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Floyd Protest Scheduled for Tomorrow in Bellflower


Hews Media Group has received information that a “peaceful” protest will be occurring in Bellflower tomorrow June 3 protesting the homicide of George Floyd by Minneapolis police.

The protest will occur at the Bellflower Library at 1 p.m.

Several protests were held yesterday, including two peaceful protest in Cerritos.



  • MKhan says:

    Does anyone know the protest route??

  • AB says:

    Using peaceful in quotations, misleading much?

  • Charles says:

    Stay out of Bellflower. We understand what happened. There’s no need to continue risking more lives and property. Justice for Floyd.

  • Jeannie says:

    I will be there as long as I can maintain a social. Distance If I can do it with cancer so should you all lives matter and police brutality can not be ignored stand for your fellow man and woman. Hope to see you there,

  • Eddie says:

    I’m wish I can be there but I’m at work. I saw some videos on Instagram and the turn out looks good. If you can’t attend, remember you can sign petitions, send emails and donate wherever you may be.

  • Rhonni says:

    Will it be more peaceful protest in the Bellflower area later this week?

  • Malleny says:

    Why did you put quotation marks around peaceful? it was a very peaceful protest in Bellflower. I expect an answer back. I have left my email for you to email me back on this.