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Dirty Politics Mar Council Race in Hawaiian Gardens

Hank Trimble sign defaced while others are left alone.


BY TAMMYE MCDUFF • October 17, 2020

Hews Media Group-Cerritos News has learned that, consistent with past Hawaiian Gardens City Council elections, a group is running around the city stealing or defacing certain candidates political signs while leaving others alone.

There are also allegations of illegal campaign contributions and ballot harvesting.

Former Mayor and candidate Reynaldo “Rey” Rodriquez contacted HMG-CN with details, “We were out placing flyers and door hangers when we came across our campaign signs. The signs had graffiti and my name had been blacked out with spray paint, some had been sliced in half. What’s more is that many of them had been removed.” 

Apparently Rodriguez had been contacted by the Parks and Recreation staff informing him they had picked up 20 of his signs that had been defaced or mutilated.

“We have a photo of a woman removing one of our signs,” he added.


Woman allegedly stealing Ray Rodriguez’ sign.


Rodriguez allegations continued, “One afternoon, while we were walking the neighborhoods, campaigning, we had a family tell us that Mayor Jesse Alvarado’s wife came to their home and stated she would help them fill out their ballots.”

According to Rodriguez this type of ballot harvesting has been happening throughout the city.

“We have come across several households that have told us that Alvarado’s campaign volunteers have told people to ‘just sign the ballot and we can fill it out for you’ and they even tell them that in ‘Mexican style politics’ they will bring them tacos and a drink when they pick up their ballots.”

Rodriguez stated one household said that the Mayor himself picked up their ballots.

There have been complaints of harassment and intimidation if people do not hand over their ballots and allegations of multiple harassing visits to homes targeting senior citizens and those that are not too versed in voting laws.

Not only are Rodriguez signs being removed, but Hank Trimble and Alba Bac’s as well.

Yet the signs for Victor Farfan, Myra Maravilla and Maria Teresa Del Rio are being left alone.



Ray Rodriguez sign defaced while other are left alone.


Rodriguez filed a report at the Sheriff’s Office this past Tuesday, October 13 along with photos of the damaged signs. “This is a planned effort by the opposition to hinder a fair and informed election.”

“This is a great city,” said Rodriguez, “I am running again because I cannot in good conscience allow this type of corruption to take over. Look at the evidence, our signs are being stolen and defaced while Farfan, Maravilla and Del Rio’s are not, I mean come on, it’s obvious.”


Petty Pay-Back Politics Emerge at Cerritos City Council Meeting(Opens in a new browser tab)

  • HG says:

    City has had corruption even when the Apanches ran the tribes and the city was public refuge dump. Best if the city could fall in to the hands of the county and bulldoze many streets and start all over. Even the catholic church has had corruption too.

    Geographically speaking, the city is in ideal location to freeway power and ocean, but just poor politics and lack of code enforcement has left the city to rot.

    New luxury homes, on the border of HG/Long Beach, have a hard time selling, past few years, mainly part of the ABCUSD BB Taxes; and too close to HG issues.

    Think HG has murder least one time month.