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EXCLUSIVE: Investigation of El Rancho Teacher and Pico Rivera Councilman Greg Salcido Finds Pornography on His School Computer


Statements from teachers, parents and students indicate Salcido is a racist, bigoted homophobe with violent tendencies.


Warning: pornographic pictures are included in this story.

April 17, 2018, 12:45 PM

By Brian Hews

Hews Media Group-Community News has obtained, through a Freedom of Information Act request, the investigation report of disgraced El Rancho Teacher and Pico Rivera City Councilman Gregory Salcido.

The investigation was conducted by Glendale-based Garcia, Hernandez, and Sawhney, LLP.

In January, Salcido was caught on audio slamming all United States military personnel as “dumbshits” and “not talented” during a class lecture.

In his diatribe, first reported by HMG-CN, that caused national outrage and spurred the investigation, Salcido was caught on cellphone video saying to his class, “we have night vision goggles and we can’t control these people wearing robes and chanklas.”

“It’s a lie our military is talented,” he said.

“Because we have a bunch of fricken dumbshits over there. They [the military] are not high-level bankers, they are not academics, they are not intellectuals….they are the lowest of the low, think about the people you know over there, stupid uncle Louis’, they are not talented people, they are dumbshits. The data is in, we don’t have a talented military, we have not been able to beat people with robes.”


The Sawhney investigation received statements from 34 former and current ERUSD staff, administrators, parents, and students.

The group outlined several racist, bullying, and homophobic incidents perpetrated by Salcido.

The investigation also included several letters of reprimand and two letters of Notice of Unsatisfactory Conduct.

The shocking statements and findings will have many asking why the teacher’s union did not terminate Salcido’s ERUSD contract years ago.

In addition to the statements and letters, investigators seized Salcido’s hard drive, on an ERUSD owned school computer, that contained pornographic pictures.

The hard drive also included “hundreds of emails” showing Salcido conducting his Pico Rivera City Council business on ERUSD time.

Statement from parents and students

One student said Salcido talked about suicide, “saying stuff like if you didn’t do good academically these four years or if you have a low GPA you might as well just go jump off a building because your life is pretty much over.”

In May 2012, Salcido admitted to smacking a kid in the head and was suspended.

Salcido was also found challenging a student to a fight after school and off-campus.

One parent told the investigator that when his son went to sharpen his pencil in the back of the classroom, Salcido yelled “hey what are you doing back there jerking off? “

A Rio Hondo college recruiter told investigators “he just went off like a really upset man and said like why are you going to try to come in my class and tell my students false information, I don’t even recommend my students go there.”

The recruiter said, “Salcido berated me, if he can make a grown woman feel that bad, imagine what he does the children.”

One student told investigators that Salcido refused to sign his permission slip allowing him to join a field trip to Rio Hondo College saying, “I don’t sign shit for Rio Hondo.”

One teacher filed a complaint against Salcido in 2011. “He came into my room he was very aggressive and began yelling at me. I was fearful because there was no one else in the room and he was two inches from me.”

Shockingly, the principal at the time did not require Salcido to write an apology; the teacher “never received one.”

The teacher also said that Salcido “berated kids all the time, made fun of them, and wouldn’t let them in the class because of what they were wearing.”

Yet another incident occurred when a mother complained Salcido was degrading her daughter because she was Anglo. “He was calling her ‘Nazi’ and saying he didn’t like her and, according to the letter of reprimand, Salcido said ‘shut up or I’ll kill you.”

Another student said Salcido “made inappropriate statements during lectures talking about pornography frequently, and making stupid comments like you guys probably watch it on your phones.”

That same student said, “Salcido was a racist, he made fun of an Asian girl’s eyes. If you were bisexual or gay he would single you out.”

Finally, an assistant superintendent told investigators that when the district entered into a contract with the drug sniffing dog company Salcido refused to let the dog into his classroom telling the kids it was an “illegal search.”

Shocking photos on school computer

Investigators also conducted a forensic examination of Salcido‘s computer and hard drive, and what they found was shocking.

The investigation recovered four disturbing images from a “deleted file space” including an image of a young boy standing behind a large sumo wrestler pulling on his thong; a large breasted woman wearing only a revealing bra and lifting her breasts; a nude woman kneeling on a bed; a nude woman with a small pasties on her breasts.

The images are below:







“Each piece of evidence on the computer speaks for itself and shows inappropriate images for a school computer.”

“It also showed work time spent on city of Pico Rivera business.”

The investigation’s findings of facts include Salcido believing it should not be illegal to download kiddy porn, using racial slurs like ‘Beaner’ and derogatory nicknames referring to heavy students, and forcing students to perform humiliating calisthenics in front of the class to shame them when they are late.

Salcido also shirked his teacher duties “leaving campus most days during his professional development sessions to attend to his personal agenda…he has been doing this for years,” the investigators stated.

Along with the termination of his teaching contract, Salcido is also the subject of a recall from his City Council seat in Pico Rivera.


See investigation report , click here.









  • Jas says:

    There are so many things the taxpayers don’t know, what the teachers are doing or charging the tax payers for……. Besides this story, don’t like when teachers , use payroll time to work on achieving personal doctorate’s degree, usage of school computers during their usual work time in order to gain a doctorate’s degree in education.

    Taxpayers should not be paying for doctorates degrees, they should not be paid in order to get a PhD degree and we need to stop allowing our teachers to use taxpayers computers for their homework for any degrees, plus many teachers ditch work time and get paid, for attending outside classes, at taxpayers expenses…………

    Don’t like that the ABCUSD allows principals and superintendents to attend Chamber of Commerce meetings + events and the taxpayers pay for it.

    Sames hold true in the LACO Sheriff Departments, Cerritos employees 3 captains, each making $300K yr and they run to junket meetings, all day long and city does not have usage of captains.

    Personnel of the taxpayers, should bill workable hours and stop milking the systems from outside activities….

  • Tom says:

    The term “Anglo” is a racially deragotory used against whites.

  • poop says:

    OMG so funny

  • ER DON says:

    MR Salcido is one disgusting and dangerous person and should never be allowed to teach again. The state needs to take away his teaching credentials.