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Movement Started to Recall Montebello Mayor Vanessa Delgado and Mayor pro tem Jack Hadjinian

Montebello Mayor Vanessa Delgado and Jack Hadjinian (far right) getting sworn in by  LA County Assessor John Noguez, who is currently awaiting trial on corruption charges.


By Brian Hews

A group of residents have filed a Notice of Petition to Recall with the city of Montebello and the County to recall Mayor Vanessa Delgado, who has filed papers to run against State Senator Tony Mendoza, and Mayor pro tem Jack Hadjinian.

It is a first step in a lengthy recall process of the two embattled elected officials.

The petitions require that the proponents write a statement, not over two hundred words in length, outlining the reasons for the recall.

The proponents must also gather no less than 20 signatures on each of the petitions that must be verified by the City Clerk in order to move forward.

The petitions stated the reasons listed by the residents to recall Delgado are, “Delgado brokered a no-bid contract for her brother‘s company to build Home2 Suites which cost the city $50 million; Delgado failed to listen to her constituents, trying to bring cannabis into the City; Delgado made herself Mayor by breaking tradition and passing over a senior councilmember voting for herself; Delgado supported Measure W (Water Sale), Measure S (Sales Tax), and City Asset Sales, hired friends costing city $387,100;  Delgado doesn’t care about Montebello already running for the Senate leaving after only two years;  and Delgado is tied to the Calderons.”


 Vanessa Delgado Has Ties to Tom Calderon


The petitions stated the reasons listed by the residents to recall Hadjinian are, “Hadjinian keeps trying to raise taxes; Hadjinian paid a false claim that was over 10 years old to Garfield Financial when the City’s law firm recommended they not be paid costing our city over $4 million; Hadjinian supported Measure W (Water Sale), Measure S (Sales Tax), and City Asset Sales, hired friends costing city $387,100 ; Hadjinian used his official capacity to make money conducting personal business which is a conflict of interest and illegal; Hadjinian has personal ties with cannabis promising favors and licenses in exchange for money; Hadjinian has personal ties to the Calderons; and Hadjinian stated residents are unimportant.”



A copy of the notice must be served by personal delivery or by certified mail on Delgado and Hadjinian.

In addition, the original notice must be filed with the City Clerk within seven days of being served and subsequently published at least once in a newspaper of general circulation and filed with the City Clerk.

The next step in the process requires the proponents to prepare the recall petition for circulation which once again must be approved by the City Clerk.

After approval, the proponents must collect enough signatures to qualify for a recall election, with the number of signatures based on a percentage of the registered voters in Montebello.

The City has approximately 33,000 registered voters, so the amount needed to qualify is 20% or 6,600 (or more) signatures.

The proponents indicated they will strive for 10% additional “to be safe.”

[email protected]



  • Theolona Ranger says:

    Montebello Citizens could not even do a simple Referendum on the Montebello Hills Specific Plan and Eir

    • Upset MTB property owner says:

      Vanesa and Jack have tried to make MTB a great city bringing in upscale anchor tenants. This should be an elite city . But with Council members like Art Barajas we will keep getting stores like Five Below instead of a Nordstrom’s. Too bad many of the Montebello residents only care for low income family’s and gang members keep voting in ignorant people like art Barajas who only cares about low rider cars and cholo music. “Embarrasing” This City is living in the 1980’s still and all the surrounding city’s have surpassed Montebello by far. Our Grant Rea Park is a dump for gang members to drink beer and hooligans to cause havoc. No wonder everyone laughs at montebello. It’s time for the Chinese to come in and take over this City , hopefully we can be like Alhambra or Arcadia one day until then we are really East LA 2.0

  • Carlos Garcia says:

    About time. These small cities like Montebello and Pico Rivera are filled with scumbags like Ez-Ass Delgado & $10k Jack. Just look at what a snake pit Pico Rivera has become with David Armenta and Greg Salcido! And why, because voters are plain and simple stupid. This is a never-ending story.

  • Laura says:

    Anyone know the process to either petition for immediate removal to give the decision to the voters to stop bills Montebello Home owners extra property taxes to pay for city employee pensions?

    • Jesse Garcia says:

      First and for most citizens will need a layer to file a motion to stay the increase in property taxes voted in by the city council. That’s if it’s in effect. Next a referendum will need to be added for this years elections in November. But the big obstacle is money who’s going to fund it.