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Election Violations, Invalid Ballots Taint Commerce City Council Race


By Brian Hews

A Commerce resident called Hews Media Group-Community News this week – after the second round of articles published by HMG-CN exposed even more election fraud in the City – saying “it’s like the Wild Wild West out here in Commerce, the election is corrupt and no one is doing anything about it!”


VIDEO: Phony ‘City Election Officials’ Illegally Gathering Ballots in Commerce


Count District Attorney Jackie Lacey in that group as she is turning a blind eye to what is obviously a corrupt takeover of this tiny Southeast Los Angeles County city situated on the 5 freeway.

Lacey ignored $35,000 in questionable campaign consultant payments to influence the Commerce election, as exclusively reported by HMG-CN, while quickly starting an investigation into a miniscule $6,500 in payments to an obscure political operative in Huntington Park.


Commerce Candidates Baca Del Rio, Altamirano, and Leon Paid East Los Angeles Political Operative Luis Alvarado $35,000 to Manage Campaigns


The $35,000 was paid to garner 300-400 votes, and two candidates have already shown their disdain for campaign finance violations laws, including a record $104,000 fine for Baca Del Rio.

But Lacey might not be able to ignore the latest scenarios in Commerce.

HMG-CN has been told that the Commerce City Clerk has declared ten ballots invalid due to the signatures not matching.

The ten could be included in those that were delivered to city hall by the phony election officials who were canvassing the City offering to take ballots to the City Clerk for Commerce residents.

As of today, election day, the City Clerk has done nothing to address the allegations, and the phony officials have been in the City for the past five weeks.

HMG-CN emailed the City Clerk yesterday asking about the ballots, as of time of publication the email was not returned.