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Cerritos City Council Election Final

Total registered voters: 31,972
Total ballots cast: 9,273
Voter turnout: 29%

Mark E. Pulido (elected) 3,997
Jim Edwards (elected) 3,459
Naresh Solanki (elected) 2,949
Frank Aurelio Yokoyama 2,922
Grace Hu 2,839
Chuong Vo 2,092
Sophia Tse 1,973
Sam Sultan Ahmad 602
James Kang 331
Manny Maninder Sethi 236

  • OMG says:

    Dear Editor:
    Chuong Vo and Sopihia Tse you should be ashamed. Way to go! You both got around 22% of the vote. Thanks for helping Carol Chen, Bruce Barrows, and Matt Kauble. Bravo Chen and Barrows you got you one puppet…er..uh…candidate Solanki on the council using Vo and Tse, slimey hit pieces, and an organization (Biz Fed) that does not even have any members in the community and an organization our own Cerritos Regional Chamber of Commerce does not see fit to join!
    Wake up Cerritos! Almost 4,000 (44%) voted for Pulido, why on earth did you almost 4,000 residents not vote for Yokoyama?
    Oh I know why… he was outspent 4:1 by Solanki who beat Yokoyama by 27 votes.
    Edwards (37%) after serving 8 years on city council and 20 plus years overall was not acceptable to the majority of voters.
    I would not be surprised if the votes putting Solanki ahead of Yokoyama are tainted.

    • Jon Rosenberg Sr. says:

      Edwards camp was smeared by ABC Teamsters Union door knockers, plus the La Palma hospital employee union hates Mrs. Edwards. Thanks to city unions, for broadcasting Home and Garden Remodel of Mr. Jim Edwards home on TV, as the real Jim Edwards was exposed.

      Time will tell, if Edwards physical health condition will allow him to work out his 4 yrs he won. Red Cross should get after his over his obesity.

      If Edwards and Ray both die in office, this will not look good for the Republican Club in town. Mr. Ray, you are making your money in Norwalk, buy an american car and support american made products.

    • Benny | HOA Gatekeeper says:

      ………Shadow Park HOA Food Chain:

      • Elected M/ M Knappes / CCC. ( Mrs. Knappe #4)
      • Elected C Spitzer/ ABC.
      • Appointed Mr. Spitzer commissioner.
      • Elected John Crawley / CCC, appointed Caroll Chen commissioner.
      • Elected Caroll Chen/ CCC .
      • Mrs. Knappe sits on the CCPA Latino-Jewish Society.
      • Caroll Chen appointed C Vo commissioner.
      • Realtor Caroll Chen & Realtor Grace Hu fatally stabbed Meas AA and school teamsters union.
      • Vo Lost, Hu lost; so food chain is broken.

  • smh says:

    Oh the inanity of some sore losers .

    Looks like you weren’t able to get Frank in and you’re a tad bit sour over it , but that’s okay . Pulido can put a sock over his arm , name him frank and whisper sweet sins to him so he won’t feel lonely up on the council . Pulido’s boss controls them both anyway .

    Tainted votes ? They paid for a hand recount . Slimey hit pieces ? YOU wake up and get a grip on reality . Some people just can’t handle the truth .

    Life is malleable – enjoy it however you like , just don’t be such a sad pussycat . Congrats to all the new councilmen/woman .

    Enjoy your day .

  • smh says:

    Bravo Pulido , your split tactic almost worked . Take notes people . Ahmed and Singh didn’t do as much damage as you hoped . Cheers ! ^__^

    • JPQuigley says:

      How much more incest can Mark Pulido pour in to his cabinet?
      1. Cousins and Aunts appointed to commissioners jobs.
      2. Friends w/ Bellflower Filipino Council.
      3. Mrs. Pulido employed by state accountant office.
      4. Mark Pulido employed by Long Beach Lowenthol’s political offices.
      5. Marks Dtr as political coach.
      6. Soluting his ghost deceased dad.
      7. Appointing his slates sister to commissioner.
      8. Transition video seemed mostly Filipino moments slopped on to power point presentation.

      Stop, Stop, you are forevermore condemning the future Filipino race from acting as political servants! March with the flow and stop family incest and political incest……..

  • Rock the Vote says:

    The US Census estimates 49,000 individuals live in the city of Cerritos. About 41% of those are foreign born. 21,000.

    Approximately, 75% or 36,750 of the total population are over the age of 18, thus eligible to register to vote.

    Not taking into account those foreign born who have not taken citizen ship if 31,972 are registered out of the 36,750 that implies about 87% of the city’s 18= population are registered!

    Now if we factor about only 5% of foreign born adults not US citizens (thus not eligible to vote)we can suggest a near 90% registration among legally eligible voters.

    Anyone else think something stinks with the voter registration at 90% and city elections?

    How many are still left on the voter rolls that have either moved or dead? Is someone still voting for these individuals?

    How many illegally registered and casting ballots?

    The city clerk owes an explanation.

    • Norwalk Voting Office says:

      Norwalk Voting Address: 12400 Imperial Hwy, Norwalk, CA 90650.

      Phone:(562) 462-2748

      Carol Chen transition speeches, all about God Bless China. Is she a quite ambassador ghost shadow for China? Is she Monica shadow in Barrows Oil Portrait? Will her granddaughter be a Knabe’s Parachute baby in to USA, to be a social security registered?

      Gee whiz, thought Grace Hu, Dr.Wong and Laura Lee all needed to be probed, this Carol Chen is insult to realtors, her real estate office in Los Cerritos Mall.

      Odd, her realtor friends boycotted the transition at large.

  • Carmin Pierceman says:

    What will happen between the quiet lovers relationship between Frank y Pulido? Democrats are expecting out of the closet announcement during the transition meeting. Was this a bisexual slate, the 3-4th for Fine Arts and Historical Commission to bag?

    How many love children were produced during the past 8 yrs by all 5 councilpersons, between Cerritos-Sacramento- DC?

    Could the transformation, been more dragged out? Who in rat’s ass cares about council’s spouses, families, grandchildren, aunts-uncles and all of the dam 30 sec. chance to be attached to political celebrity? My god, President Bush never staged all of his drinking buddies in frt of national cameras.

    Thanks J. Cho for exposing the real council problems during your rant from: 1hr 30 min to 1 hr 50 min. BTW, great -10- tasty meet/ greet picnics in the park.

    Hmmm, what was all of the huggy- kissing to select few proclamation dignitaries? Viewed awful plus herpes hygiene Holocaust.

  • Millie B. Pratt says:

    Transition Party:

    Dear Brian Hews, tell us how many former Cerritos Councilpersons attended this 2015 transition, as both Ret. Hughlett and Ret. Hu made the reference, many have passed?

    Where were the councils from La Palma, Sante Fe springs, Cypress, as thought council enjoyed ongoing working relationships with all nine (9) surrounding cities.

    Only reason Bellflower-Lakewood-Norwalk showed up as pseudo dignataries, to appease the ABC new districts & to promote bouncing out Dr. Mary Sui and get better replacement to represent the Latino students.

    Why was Mrs. Knabe here, are they separated or is she passing out business cards for the 2017 campaigns? Looked and sounded most hostile to staging of cameras?

  • Gus Paintois says:

    Mark Pulido, how come everyone in the city did not receive your 2015 Cerritos Calendar, or is this only for the democrats? Where can we obtain free calendar????

    Mark, tell us the numbers of voters in LA/OC which voted, as you mentioned Cerritos sucked up aprox 25 % voters for this election, which I bet were either provincial balloting or absentee ballots.

    Hmmmm, tired of the new pre meditated campaign strategies, get on school board and hop on over as city council, sure smells like premeditated conflict of interests to public and especially to parents.

    4 seated republican council is okay, but how does this read for our children, plus only one elected female on council? Students studying and interested in political science, not best visual Kodak moments.

  • Cerritos Grandparents says:

    Times are changing, this transition attendees, appeared more to be composite of more dignitaries, ( A-Z) compared to personal residents and voters. Really getting diversified, less and less Caucasians in attendance. Us old grandparents, seem less significant in the flock. Last time for me. Almost nothing from local clubs and woman’s club of Cerritos-Artesia anymore.

    Times have really changed, they dont need our vote, they can pull votes from so called important dignitaries.

  • Sal Pintos says:

    Cerritos Mayor’s transitional party, just a fiasco for lot of dignitaries, trying to show off, becoming instant TV celebrities at best. Does more harm than good.

    Surprised to observe two lily white Caucasian men voted on to counsel, when the General mood of the elected landscape voters, to elect immigrants to represent the people.

    Appears the Cerritos voters are steps behind the county voters diet. Long Beach Gay Mayor, Los Angeles First Jewish Mayor & Garden Groves Viet. Mayor.