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Are Some Members of the Cerritos City Council Racist?




Mayor Vo, MPT Barrows, Councilpersons Naresh Solanki and Lynda Johnson.


Op/Ed by Brian Hews

In his usual arrogant, egotistical style, Bruce Barrows, at the last City Council meeting and transition, was “appointed” Mayor pro tem, depriving eight-year Filipino Councilman Frank Yokoyama of the Cerritos Mayor seat for 2024.

Yokoyama will term out in 2024 and has never served as mayor.

Adding to his callous maneuver was the fact that every other councilperson has served as mayor.

Lynda Johnson doesn’t count, she was just elected and has two blatant conflicts, triggered when she took money from the Cerritos Auto Square and the LASD, according to FPPC rules;  Solanki served two stints as mayor when Vo said “he was not ready to be Mayor,” and Vo was appointed mayor at this week’s meeting apparently now ready for the seat when he was afraid to be appointed before.

So instead of appointing Yokoyama to the seat, Barrows coldly accepted the appointment as mayor in 2024.

Is it politics or racism?

Barrows accepted for the fifth time…..yes….for the fifth time Barrows took the chair while Yokoyama has never served.

The vote? Barrows, Solanki, Vo and fellow Filipino Lynda Johnson voted for Barrows.

Elections have consequences yes, but to take these kinds of actions against a person who has sacrificed his time and energy for eight years, is petty, vindictive and just plain wrong.

And a slap to the Filipino community.

It is a City Council; by its nature it is bipartisan, everybody gets along and works to advance the wishes of their constituents.

But not “Unsafe” Barrows, who as Mayor, threatened to close the Sheriff’s Station twice, threatened to cut the SkyKnight LASD helicopter, and is the main reason, according to sources at Metro, Cerritos does not have a stop for the light rail that will terminate in Artesia.

That move will cost the city millions in tax revenue.

So for the next two years, Cerritos has a mayor that did not want to be the mayor, followed by a mayor who acts like a racist with everyone following his lead.

And so it goes in Neo-Con Cerritos, where the old-guard will do anything to retain a majority on the council…. so they can appoint each other mayor five times.

  • sre says:

    Yokoyama is garabge

  • Keith says:

    This has to be the dumbest thing I have read all year from your non-journalism partisan hit pieces. The Cerritos City Council is made up of 5 members. Out of those five members (1) is Vietnamese, (1) Indian, (2) Filipino and (1) White. This isn’t racism, it is that no one wants that crook Frank as mayor. Let’s look at Franks record, Suspended from the CA Bar Assoc. for lying to them, caught using his city credit card on his families European vacation and made to pay the city back, used a city vehicle for personal use, made campaign fliers on city copier and used city paper. Case was presented to the courts for prosecution. This is called that not one of the other Council Members trust Frank and he is a lame duck councilmember. Now be a real journalist and report news fairly instead of one sided hit pieces. And oh yeah, comment back on here instead of emailing me laced with profanities.

    • Nice reasoning, what color do they have to be…. to be racist? I’m sure you are like other people who “have many black friends or know many gay people.”

      So no mention of Solanki’s Anaheim mansion and how he lied to HMG about a 1031 exchange? How he blasted Frank at a council meeting? How a Filipino voted yes? How Barrows took the seat for the FIFTH TIME? Many others are thanking us for the article…. I did a search your name did not come up in my email.

      • Keith says:

        Here is your email response to me.

        “ Before you make allegations you ought research like I do you fucking idiot.

        I broke this and it took him out of the race. But unlike you classless idiots understands I’m a journalist and he still my friend,

        Brian Hews fuck your fake news”

        So all, Barrows, Solanki and Vo all endorsed Johnson who is Filipino. But yet you call them all racist because the didn’t vote for Frank?!?!? Frank will never be Mayor Pro Temp and you and Frank should realize that. All you articles are hit pieces on conservatives. You right an article on Frank for being suspended from the Bar for lying but use kid gloves writing it. “Frank said it was just a mistake he made’. No it wasn’t, he straight lied to the BAR Assoc which is why Frank does not practice law anymore. What a waste of a Harvard Law Degree.

        • Yeah I dont take kindly to being called fake news…..glad I am rent free in your head. Did you read the story? Bruce will be mayor for the fifth time, solanki was twice, Vo is now mayor Frank is a Fil-Am….its obvious…. Remove your animosity towards Frank and look at the entire picture even Linda voted yes why would she do that she didn’t need to it still would’ve been three to two. That’s a Brown act violation by the way he obviously got together to appoint Bruce….

  • K. Aoki says:

    i wouldn’t say they’re racist but they certainly have their favorites. it’s the good old boys/girls network doing what it does. i don’t think it’s healthy but it’s the way it’s been and will be for as long as there are governments…