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Nine Ways Social Media is Impacting Education

December 29, 2021

Nowadays, people often communicate through social media. It has become a popular way to share ideas and connect with others. Social media is also changing the way we learn. People learned by attending school and listening to their teachers in the past. But now, with social media, students can learn from anywhere in the world. They can also learn from their peers through social media.

Social media has also opened the way for sharing information. People post videos, articles, and anything that they want to share on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and other platforms on the internet. They can watch them anytime they want to learn.

This has changed the way we learn. We can now learn about anything we want through social media. We can also connect with experts and learn from them. In the 21st century, education is more than just lectures and books. Here is how social media is important in education

1. Convenient communication

Before, students were restricted to e-mail or in-person discussions. Nowadays, they can take place on Facebook as well. This is great for those too shy and who need a little more confidence when speaking up with their teachers face-to-face. 

These days it feels like everything goes virtual because actual emergencies happen after school hours, so that way, if you have questions about your homework or upcoming exam, then there will be someone available online at whatever time you choose.

2. Constantly aware of current issues

It’s easy for students, parents, and teachers to stay in touch with issues concerning education at school. Whether it be through Facebook or Twitter- everyone has instant access now! Students can quickly communicate their needs via Snapchat so that adults know what’s going on right away without any delay. No more relying solely upon phone calls that could be inconvenient during certain circumstances, such as an active shooter situation inside your child’s classroom.

3. Get extra credit

Many teachers nowadays encourage their students to take advantage of social media for learning. As a result, they may offer extra credit when the student does research and posts it online to engage with other users on these sites who have different knowledge than themselves. If this sounds like something you would enjoy doing or your child is already spending time doing, then definitely consider taking up an assignment that requires participation outside school hours. 

4. Peer collaboration

Remember those days when you had to meet up with your peers in person? Remember how hard it was and the awkwardness of trying not to show that we’re uncomfortable while working on group projects together. But nowadays, resources like Google Docs allow us all to work off one document at once – seeing each other’s edits or additions as soon as they are made!

5. Increased activism

The world is a small place, and social media has made it easier for people to voice their opinions on things that matter. Whether in class or not- even if everyone around us doesn’t always accept your opinion -we can share our thoughts with others who might appreciate them! We don’t have much excuse when someone doesn’t agree anymore because they see exactly how we feel through posts.

6. Familiarity with technology

Technology is everywhere, and it’s not just about school anymore. The rise of social media has led many students to be on their devices constantly, which in turn helps them become more familiar with this modern-day phenomenon called “tech”. By teaching kids how important technology can be throughout every aspect of life – from academics to jobs- will give them the skills needed for success after graduation!

7. Language learning

Through video chat, it is now easier for students to learn languages. People can easily connect with others in the country of their language and practice daily under supervision while getting constructive feedback about how they need to improve.

8. Exposure to essential design aspects

The way students can customize their own social media profiles and gain access to basic design knowledge is helpful for resume building, personal website designing, or freelancing. Social networking channels like Instagram have made this possible because many bloggers use them as a marketing tool by showcasing what they do best on these sites- which can be anything from blogging about fashion trends up through photography work!

9. Creative space

Creative outlets are essential for developing creativity, which can help people explore their talents and build confidence outside of regular activities. Social media has made it easy to share these creative works with followers who offer feedback on the job as they grow in skill. Creative pursuits give students an outlet that doesn’t require them to spend time alone or away from other humans – connecting you creatively and emotionally!


Social media is an excellent way to connect people of all ages, locations, and levels. In today’s world, it may be difficult communicating face-to-face, let alone going on an adventure or taking time off work; social networks allow us to stay connected no matter what life throws at us! 

Teachers have found creative new ways to make learning more engaging while still maintaining student interest – students get acquainted with technology along the way too. It’s a win/win situation as long as there isn’t misuse like cyberbullying.