Vasquez is seen on video (shot by her friend who was trespassing) inside the agency’s confidential filing room. She later handed a file to Central Basin Director Camacho-Rodriguez.
By Brian Hews • November 12, 2021
Hews Media Group-Community News has obtained a disturbing video showing embattled Central Basin Director Leticia Vasquez and her crony friend Joey Martinez trespassing at Central Basin offices in violation of the agency’s Administrative Code, and acknowledging on the video, they were looking to “start a ruckus” with Central Basin employees.
Martinez felt so emboldened by his relationship with Vasquez, he shot the video on his personal cell phone.
The video could be used as evidence against Vasquez and Martinez in any employee harassment lawsuits filed against Central Basin that will likely cost the agency thousands in legal fees.
A check on the L.A. Superior Court’s website shows former employees Tammy Hierlihy and Sandy Plimpton filing wrongful termination complaints, court case numbers 21STCV27334 and 21STCV06132 respectfully.
The video starts out showing Vasquez and Martinez going up to the second floor and walking around looking for employees. Normally the floor is bustling with employees, but as Vasquez and Martinez walked around, no one was in sight.
Martinez was trespassing; under CB policy, the second floor is closed to the public.
“We are here on the second floor which is supposedly off-limits for whatever made-up reason,” Martinez stated at 2:30 of the video.
Martinez’ violent intentions were clear when he said, “because there is not a lot of people here, they don’t feel as emboldened to start a ruckus, but we are here, we’re here to start a ruckus.”
Martinez then walks into the confidential file room where Vasquez can be seen digging through sensitive files. At 4:43, Vasquez tells Martinez that she is looking for payroll information “because we have many employees that are overpaid, but they (the cabinets) are locked so we can’t see them.”
Searching for files without permission is a violation of the Agency’s Administrative Code.
CB’s Administrative Code states, “internal procedures that will be followed for requests by Directors for staff assistance on obtaining documentation. Directors may submit requests for documentation and/or general inquiries to the General Manager for review, approval and transmittal to the appropriate senior manager for response.
Personnel records are confidential and access to personnel records is granted only to the General Manager, to the employee’s Senior Manager, legal counsel and Human Resources. Upon 24-hours written notice, any employee may review his or her personnel file in the presence of a Human Resources representative.”
MULTIPLE VIOLATIONS: After she took the file without authorization, Vasquez went outside the filing room to read the contents.
Martinez added to his trespassing violations with California Civil Code violations when he cell-phone videoed himself trying to open the filing cabinets.
Vasquez’ actions also fall under the purview of the Information Practices Act, the California Civil Code that addresses sensitive files.
“The right to privacy (of personal files) is protected by Section 1 of Article I of the Constitution of California and by the United States Constitution and that all individuals have a right of privacy in information pertaining to them. Under the law, all disclosures of personal information are restricted and an accounting of such disclosures must be made.”
According to Central Basin officials, Vasquez took insurance and payroll records and has not returned the files. At 9:50, Vasquez can be seen carrying a package that presumably had the files she took. She walked into another room where another Vasquez crony, Martha Camacho, could be seen sitting with former GM Carlos Panilla.
As a final act, Vasquez handed the green file to Dir. Camacho.
Vasquez giving the file to CB Director Martha Camacho-Rodriguez.
The taking of the files forced CB GM Alex Rojas to pay for identity theft accounts for the affected employees, “We had to purchase [identity theft] accounts for everyone, and under the law we had to inform the employees that files were compromised,” Rojas told HMG-CN.
Several emails to Vasquez and Martinez, including asking Vasquez if she has the payroll files, went unanswered.
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Amazing this woman keeps getting away with messing with the Public who pays her the Big Bucks $$$.
Water Basin Board Member sounds so innocuous to many of us that don’t realize their Power and how they abuse it.
I was a little trepiditious that you, Brian were going to back-off Letitia Vasquez Wilson after she once again threatened to sue you. haha. My Bad.
We really really need to get the DOJ and Attorney General involved in these violations of Public trust.
Thank you again for keeping up with Corruption in our South East Cities.