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Food Distribution in Artesia Served Over 1,500 Families

CARS LINED UP for over one mile to receive food from Los Angeles Regional Food Bank sponsored by L.A. County Supervisor Janice Hahn. The food bank distribution is up 145 percent and received donations from Barbara Streisand and the Kardashians.


BY TAMMYE MCDUFF • November 27, 2020

This past Friday, November 20th, Los Angeles County Supervisor Janice Hahn held a food drive at the Artesia Library, and served more than 1,500 families.

The Los Angeles Regional Food Bank’s overall distribution has increased by 145 percent compared to the pre-pandemic period. Over 135 million pounds of food, the equivalent of 111 million meals have been distributed since the crisis began in March, including 1.6 million emergency food boxes distributed to families and individuals through partner agencies and direct drive-through and mobile food pantry distributions. The Food Bank is filling the gap between food supply and demand by purchasing truckloads of food items at wholesale prices utilizing $10 million of funds committed by Los Angeles County.

“Today is a partnership between LA County Parks & Rec and the LA Regional Food Bank to address food security issues and strategies,” stated Mika Yamamoto, Regional Operations Manager, “We are doing three a week and have done around 50 of these since April.”

A truck driver for the Food Bank Carlos Bravo told HMG-CN, “Even though this is heart breaking, it gives all of us workers a real sense of purpose, the world is changing and this is really beautiful what we can do to help others.” Bravo confirmed that Barbara Streisand donated to the Food Bank as did Adam Sandler and the Kardashians.

The Food Bank has added over one hundred agency partners since the pandemic started. In a typical month before CoVID, the Food Bank Provided food to 300,000 adults, seniors and children through their partner agency network and Food Bank Direct distribution programs. That number is now estimated to be over 900,000 people served over the course of a month.


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