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Marianna Rios and Victor Farfan Finalists For Open Hawaiian Gardens City Council Seat


At their upcoming Sept. 24 meeting, the Hawaiian Gardens City Council will vote to replace Monica Rodriguez, who unexpectedly resigned at the Sept. 10 meeting.

Council member Hank Trimble has requested City Council consideration in filling the vacant City Council seat by recommending former Councilwoman Mariana Rios. Mayor Myra Maravilla has requested City Council consideration in filing the vacant City Council seat by recommending former Mayor and Councilman Victor Farfan.

Many are predicting Farfan, as Mayor pro tem Jesse Alvarado and Council member Luis Roa vote in lock-step with Mayor Maravilla.

State law provides that to fill the vacant seat, the City Council must, within 60 days from the commencement of the vacancy; either fill the vacancy by appointment or by calling a special election.

The effective date of Councilmember Rodriguez’s resignation was September 11, 2019. The City Council must therefore either call a special election or appoint someone to fill the vacancy by November 10, 2019

One will be elected by majority vote with the person appointed serving until the next general municipal election, which is scheduled for November 2020. 

  • LoyolaLaw75 says:

    The argument from Mr. Trimble is going to be that Ms. Rios was the next in line on the ballot when it came to votes this last election. Not sure that necessarily reflects the will of the residents. A special election would, however why spend even more taxpayer dollars?

    Perhaps ask people to apply for the position, verify their residency, and have an open candidate forum where residents can ask questions publicly. Separate the wheat from the chaff and then appoint someone from there. Saves you the cost of a special election and lets the residents have a voice about who represents them in that seat.

    Both Marianna and Victor appeared to be good public servants from what I know, they were always attentive to our needs. Was surprised when they didn’t get re-elected. Would take either one of them over some of the ones that did get elected. At least Victor had a good eye for business and understood what it took to run one. Whoever ends up being appointed, hopefully, they’re a good buffer/balance that can bring some stability to that council. Preferably someone who can bring a little humility to the wilder egos. Where’s Mike Gomez when you need him…

  • Apache Indians says:

    Think the city should look outside the boundaries and bring in some candidates from Long Beach, one of these days, HG will be annexed with Long Beach, so the residents should start shopping for candidates in greater Long Beach Area.

    This concept is being toyed with many cities throughout the state and governor is thinking of combining many cities, so they can run more efficient and cost effective.