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MEET AND GREET: from (l-r) Lakewood Vice Mayor Jeff Wood, former Artesia Councilman Victor Manalo, Downey Mayor pro tem Blanca Pacheco, Supervisor Hahn, Downey Mayor  Rick Rodriguez, and  La Mirada Mayor pro tem John Lewis.



Local elected officials from Artesia, Diamond Bar, Downey, Lakewood, Long Beach and Paramount gathered at Julio’s Pizza to honor and support the re-election campaign for Supervisor Janice Hahn this past Wednesday May 29.

Hosting the event was Artesia Council member and former Mayor Ali Taj, “there are so many events going on this evening, and we realize that you could all be somewhere else. We appreciate that you have taken the time to come here and support our great Supervisor and our great friend, Janice Hahn.”

The daughter of former County Supervisor Kenny Hahn, renowned for his long tenure [40 years] of public service, Janice Hahn has followed in her father’s footsteps throughout every step of her career. Currently the representative for L.A. County’s 4th District on the Board of Supervisors, Hahn has dedicated her career to a ‘people first’ agenda.

“It’s no secret that I love this job as County Supervisor and I want to achieve more for you,” began Hahn, “I am a little surprised that four years have flown by so fast. The one thing I learned from [her father] Kenny Hahn is never take anything for granted. You run like you’re always behind, you earn every single vote and you don’t wait to show what you will do for the people, you show them every single day.”

Hahn told a story about her father who will go down as the longest sitting Supervisor with ten, four-year terms. The record will never be broken because of term limits. “When the election results came in, he would get the precinct map of the entire section, lay it out on the dining room table and go precinct by precinct to look at how many votes he received, “I’ll never forget, there was one precinct in Hawthorne where he literally received 91% of the vote,” she recalled, “he turned to his campaign manager and said where is the other nine percent?”

“When I look out over this room and I see people who have chosen to serve the public, I consider it a huge honor to work with you. People are no longer turning to Washington to solve their problems, they are turning to us. The best thing I can do for you as your Supervisor is to support you and your cities.”

  • Mary Joel says:

    Strongly feel, the next few elections, county will see less voter return,because of the changeover in voting and with the turmoil out of DC. County has more and more senior voters and w/ changes in casting votes, voters will boycott.

    1. Greater Dairy Valley area needs more integrated senior citizen programs, longtime residents can share in more diversity of programs.

    2. County needs to subsidize and create a Alzheimer’s unit, poss. at vacant Dominguez Hospital .

    3. County needs to build multiple RV parks, we only have RV Park in Long Beach Shoreline.

    4. County needs more programs for seniors ,etc and Cerritos Regional Park.

    5. County Needs to work with Measure M and improve public transportation in Greater Dairy Valley and more transportation to LAX/SFV/UCLA/John Wayne Air. Cerritos/Artesia have lost more public transportation in last few decades.

    6. Create advisory boards to seniors and disabled residents, we are all forgotten.

    7. County needs to replace Del Amo Bridge/ Los Coyotes Flood Control.

    8. County needs to create more low cost public people movers, compared to other counties nationwide. Heard sections of LAX is under construction for this.

    9. County needs more employment for seniors and disabled-handicappers.