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Norwalk Offers Financial Assistance to Qualifying Households for Home Improvements

 Before/after pictures of a home in Norwalk that took advantage of Norwalk’s program.


As part of efforts to improve the standard of living in our neighborhoods, the City of Norwalk provides qualifying home owners with financial assistance for the rehabilitation of residential properties. Homes must be owner-occupied, single family residences, including mobile homes, condominiums, and 1-4 unit rental properties. Assistance offered includes grants, 50% rebates and 0% interest loans, and must be utilized for necessary, rather than aesthetic repairs, such as plumbing, heating, handicap accessibility renovation, window/door replacement, and/or roof repairs. A home inspection by City staff is required.

To be eligible for the Home Improvement Program, applicants must:

  • Have owned the property for at least two years
  • Have a household income within the schedule below:







Program income limits (as of June 2018)

Household size Maximum Income
1 $54,250
2 $62,000
3 $69,750
4 $77,500
5 $83,700
6 $89,900
7 $96,100
8 $102,300


Programs Available:

  • Grants – Properties eligible for grants are owner-occupied single-family homes, condominium units, townhouse units, mobile homes and 1-4 unit tenant occupied residences. $8,000 maximum is available for single-family homes and condominium/townhouse units and $5,000 maximum is available for rental units and mobile homes. Owner-occupied properties must remain owner-occupied 2 years after completion of the project. For rental projects, landlords cannot increase the rent for 2 years following completion of the project (Tenant income and rent limitations apply). Grants do not need to be repaid as long as the property owner complies with program requirements.


  • 50% Rebates – If the project cost exceeds the grant amount, the City may also provide a 50% rebate up to a maximum of $10,000 for single-family and condominium/townhouse units and $5,000 maximum for rental units and mobile homes. Rebates do not need to be repaid as long as the property owner complies with program requirements.



  • 0% Interest Loans – Only owner-occupied, single-family homes are eligible for the loan. Depending upon the family’s financial situation, the loan may have monthly payments over 15 years or loan payments may be deferred for an indefinite period. In either case, the loan has no interest charges. Eligibility is based on income, level of credit, and the amount of applicant’s debt. A City staff person can help explain program requirements. The owner must reside in the home throughout the life of the loan. If an applicant for the loan had received a grant and/or rebate, they will be subject to a one year waiting period from the date of completion. One loan maximum per residence/applicant.


Types of Repairs:

  • Examples of eligible activities might include: repairs to plumbing, heating, electrical systems; painting/restucco; window/door replacement; roof replacement/repairs; handicap accessibility renovation (wheelchair ramps); and driveway repairs. Repairs must be necessary and cannot include luxury upgrades. A home inspection by City staff is required.


For more information, please call the Neighborhood and Community Development Division at 562-929-5951 or click here.

  • C a s a says:

    We need to build 180,000 new housing units a year, experts say, and we’ve only averaged 80,000 over the last decade.

    In contrast, before the Great Recession, we built 213,000 in 2004. In 1986, 315,000 were built. CALIFORNIA’S BIG HOUSING BILL TANKED. NEWSOM IS PARTLY TO BLAME.