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Peace Officers Union: ALADS Vote of No Confidence of Sheriff McDonnell Only Counted 16% of Members

Staff Report

Today, just days before the election, ALADS announced a vote of no confidence in Sheriff Jim McDonnell. “I am not surprised ALADS would do such a thing, but voters should look deeper into the alleged vote of no confidence” states PPOA President Brian Moriguchi.

ALADS stated in the announcement that 81.7% of respondents do not have confidence in the Sheriff. Although this statement may be accurate based on respondents, it does not tell the true story. PPOA has learned that only 1,423 deputies voted in their survey. ALADS has approximately 7,115 deputy members, so only 16% of the full membership voted in favor of a no-confidence vote. To state that 81.7% of deputies have no confidence in the sheriff is misleading. Actually, only 16% of their members expressed no confidence. Why is this significant? Because it shows to what extent ALADS leaders will go in order to achieve their goal: to oust the incumbent sheriff.

In the primary election in June, ALADS polled its members to determine which candidate they favored for a union endorsement. The results of that poll were as follows:

Bob Lindsey                       1,302
No Endorsement                 55
Jim McDonnell                    34
Alex Villanueva                   32

Despite an overwhelming vote for Bob Lindsey, ALADS declined to endorse in the primary, stating they would not issue an endorsement if they did not receive a response of over 33% of their members. They stated that a response of 33% was required to make their poll “valid.”

They stood behind this position to decline an endorsement for Bob Lindsey. However, after the primary, they did not poll their members again to decide whom to endorse between Villanueva and McDonnell, nor did they go through their endorsement committee process.

Instead, the ALADS board unilaterally decided to endorse Alex Villanueva — a stark contract in the process they used in the primary. Today, in their attempt to provide support for Villanueva, they announced a vote of no confidence based on only 16% of their members and attempted to “sell” their position by giving the perception that 81.7% of their members support that position.

They completely ignored their previous requirement of 33% member turnout to validate this position.

This vote of no confidence by the ALADS Board of Directors should be viewed for what it is: a fabrication of facts to justify the support of a candidate chosen by the ALADS Board of Directors, not their membership.​

The Professional Peace Officers Association (PPOA) represents over 9,000 current and retired law enforcement professionals in Los Angeles County, primarily from the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department. PPOA President Brian Moriguchi is a civil rights activist and an outspoken advocate against corruption in law enforcement.      ​
Contact him at (323) 261-3010 or [email protected] for further comment.

Brian Moriguchi, president
LA County Professional Peace Officers Association
(323) 261-3010
[email protected]

  • jas says:

    This Week, ABC News ran a debate between the two Sheriff’s running for office.

    Jim McDonnell is definitely very crabby/ worn out. Don’t feel he did a very good job protecting the city of Cerritos/Artesia over the last couple of years when we had an increase in burglaries in robberies.

    Jim McDonnell did a very poor job with the neighborhood watch programs across the county, delivered to us very diluted version of the neighborhood watch groups.

    Don’t like what I’ve been reading about the various gang members in the sheriff’s department, a lot of the sheriff’s have created their own gangs which is a sub union group. I don’t think this is the best interest for the community.

    Furthermore, in Cerritos we have a few sheriffs involved in local city politics and city should not favor this. Both Cerritos/Lakewood Sheriff’s employed two twin brothers from Yorba Linda that’s a conflict of interest within the agency and many sheriffs protested this, but went to deaf ears. Many Cerritos- Lakewood residences have written numerous letters to McDonnel, again no response!!!