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Montebello Unified School District Board Members Will Hire Seven Separate Law Firms



In response to SEC subpoenas, the Montebello Unified School District Board  will use tax payer funds and hire seven separate law firms at their regular August meeting.

Summa, LLP; Artiano Shinoff, Abed Blumenfeld, Carelli Kostic, Sleeth & Wade APC;  Huang Ybarra Gelberg & May LLP;  Arent Fox LLP; Walker Stevens Cannon LLP;  Theodora Oringher PC, and  Wiloughby & Associates are the chosen firms.

Some attorneys in each firm charge over $400 per hour.

Mike Simpfenderfer 58th District candidate running against Cristina Garcia told HMG -CN, “Shame on Summa, LLP. Shame on Artiano Shinoff, Abed Blumenfeld, Carelli Kostic Sleeth & Wade APC. Shame on Huang Ybarra Gelberg & May LLP. Shame on Arent Fox LLP. Shame on Walker Stevens Cannon LLP. Shame on Theodora Oringher PC. Shame on The Law Offices of Wiloughby & Associates. We will not idly stand by and allow these lawyers or any lawyer to shake down and rob the hard-working students and teachers who all deserve better.”

“Sadly, at a recent MUSD meeting Assemblywoman Garcia expressed confidence in the ability of this board,” Simpfenderfer stated.

“Not only does the County and-or State need to step in and seize control at the MUSD, we need leadership at the 58th AD so tax payers know their elected Assembly-person will stand up to corruption. Right now, we have politicians protecting politicians.  I will stand up for the tax payers and demand accountability. Our students and teaches deserve this.”


  • Renee says:

    In the meantime,MUSD Elementary schools have no Science textbooks.