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Statement from Mike Simpfenderfer on 58th District Primary Win

Mike Simpfenderfer


Bellflower—-”The people spoke. I am humbled, honored and I am ready for a thorough, robust discussion and debate about what matters to the voters with ASM Cristina Garcia.” said Mike Simpfenderfer, a candidate for the 58th Assembly District on November 6th.


”The voters showed they were tired of the non stop embarrassment and started the change

needed in the 58th Assembly District. Repeal of the gas tax and repeal of the increased

silly DMV fees are on their minds and affecting their pocketbooks. We must end the red carpet

treatment the criminals enjoyed. It is time to revoke the get out jail card criminals received courtesy

of the politicians. Business growth and an immediate increased supply of housing

are urgent as too many flee California. We have homeless dying and too many are clueless

about the solution. Proposition 13 is under assault by the greedy politicians.” continued



“From the beginning, our campaign advocated we have serious problems and needed serious

people willing to get to work. I am ready to get to work for all of us. I will continue working hard;

continue earning the trust of the voters and ask the voters to hire me November 6th.”

concluded Simpfenderfer.



  • Tony the Tiger says:

    I’m a democrat voting for Simpfenderder!