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Male Struck and Killed on 91 Freeway Friday Night was 15 Year-Old Gahr Student Marques Taylor

Marques Taylor

Staff Report

Hews Media Group-Community News has learned that the male who was struck on the 91 freeway in Artesia late Friday night was a student from Gahr High School.

The boy’s name was Marques Taylor; Taylor was a sophomore at Gahr.

HMG-CN has been told by a high-level ABCUSD source that tensions are very high between African-American and Latinos gang members at Gahr high lately, there have been reports that shots were fired on participants during a vigil for Taylor that occurred on Pioneer Blvd. Saturday night.

The crash occurred east of Gridley Road according to the California Highway Patrol.

The driver, 38-year-old Sarah Beth Melot of Corona, pulled over and remained at the scene until  CHP arrived.

A Go Fund Me page has been set up, click here to go to page.

  • Laura Sanchez says:

    To the person who wrote this story….your an idiot. Get your facts straight before writing about someone’s child let alone my little cousin. How would you like someone writing a false story about your family member right after their passing??!! You should be ashamed of yourself. You need a new career because you suck at what you do. I will be putting in a complaint regarding your story. Take his picture down from your false article. You don’t have permission to use his picture.

  • CJ says:

    I’m a father that was just informed of this horrible accident by my 17 year old daughter and wanted to put this out there that it was the Staff at the media group that submitted this apparent bullshit story as fake news does to get hits to sites they get paid for. These types of news reporters are scum of the earth! My thoughts and prayers truely go out o the family and friends!

  • OMG says:

    Do you people read the story? Or can you read? The story said people told the reporter that it could have been gang related not that it was gang related. I also love that you do not mention the reporter put a link to the go fund me page I am sure that has caused some money to be donated to help the family with the loss of Marques?

    • Cld says:

      You need to stay out of it. Everyone posting a comment knows this child personally. Stating any kind of tension is WRONG with this child that was so soft spoken and so kind with absolutely NO GANG RELATED TIES. It stirs up unnecessary controversy. For you to come out and make a comment when the mother of the child asked for it to be taken down because it’s a LIE is just wrong. The go fund me page helps, but you don’t think this site gets paid for its readers. Think about what your going to post before you attack the mother of a child who just passed away.

    • SRR says:

      Yes, you moron, we can and we did read it and we found it be be offensive. And the idiot reporter is throwing out unconfirmed speculation as to the cause of it. Why mention it at all? Because they are looking for a reason to blame racial tensions on an accident. They need to make sh*& up to get anyone to read this garbage. And them adding the go fund me link makes no f(*&^ difference, and for the record, NO DONATIONS came form this idiots article. And they were asked to take it down, that would include the link as well you f*&&^ idiot. Why would you attack a grieving parent. Get a f*&&^ life!

      • OMG says:

        He who yells the loudest has the most to hide. Again the reporter did not implicate Marques only wrote what the source said. I have one glaring question…what is a 15 year old doing walking on a busy freeway at 11:30 at night..WTF??? I think you would qualify as the moron SRR….dumb and dumber…

    • SRR says:

      You do not have a right to ask any questions. That is for his family and friends that truly cared about him to discuss. You must work for the jackass that wrote this article, or you may even be the same person. Worhtless POS!

      • OMG says:

        Why are you banging on the writer? You are the worthless POS sticking up for what was obviously sub standard parenting. For fuck’s sake ….15 and on the freeway at 11:30 pm can you say Child Services? Would you do that with your kid? That’s illegal. it is called a curfew you dumbass!

    • SRR says:

      If you are so concerned, why don’t YOU come discuss it with the family? Face to face? Quit hiding behind a computer.

      • OMG says:

        Threats? The apple does not fall far from the tree with you people….You just don’t get it, I don’t like the way you are bashing the writer, they reported from high level sources you took it as calling Marques out as a gang member when they did not….. but with your threats and arguments it is looking more like gang behavior. Come out from my computer huh? I don’t have time for morons like you.

        • Cld says:

          Wow! I can’t believe the way your commenting. Now bad parenting! Where you there ? You diot. NO! You have no clue what happened. Have some respect. Just the fact that you stated ” you people” shows your intelligence. Go troll on instagram this isn’t Facebook looking for approval. This is real not some story to comment with an emoji. Grow up. If this horrific situation happened to your child you would say the same.

    • SRR says:

      LOL, threats, really? Now, you are guilty of what you are accusing all of us of. Can’t you read? It said you to discuss it with the family. You see how easy it is to assume something else by what is written? That is the exact reason the writer (possibly even you) should not write garbage like this.

  • diana says:

    from what i was told he wasnt on the freeway,it was on the street, no matter what a young soul was taken and left a family and friends with the greiving and sadness. opinions that are rude should not be shared, may this child RIP and family have the closure hey need to move on. My nephew was killed and we have no closure and it haunts us everyday.

  • AMG says:

    This story has incorrect information that is irrelevant to the tragic death or Marques. It is very sad, insensitive, and disrespectful to all the friends and family of Marques to read. The writer and publisher lacks compassion by adding in that nonsense regardless if they added in the Go Fund Me link.

    He was a good kid and sadly passed away way to young. My 2 sons were the best of friends with him. He will be missed dearly by all.

    I urge the readers that did not know Marques to stop saying such unkind words. His friends and family should not have to read such hateful harsh words. They are already going through the most difficult time and should be surrounded by love and comfort to get them get through this. Please have some compassion. Let Marques rest in peace.

  • CM. says: