DORA SANDOVAL _____________________________ ST. NORBERT CHURCH           RATES _______________________


VOTE IN HMG-CN’s CERRITOS SALES TAX POLL: Cerritos Residents Yes or No on the 1/2 Cent Sales Tax Increase?

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  • Public Works says:

    City of Cerritos Budget Reports: Public Hearing on August 25, 2016

    The Cerritos City Council meeting on Thursday, August 25; will include the following public hearing items:

    Review and consideration of potential budget expenditure reduction measures.
    Review and consideration of a proposal for the development of a Sales Tax ballot measure that would place before the Cerritos electorate at the March, 2017 General Municipal Election the question of whether to approve a local sales tax increase.
    The meeting will be held at 7 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. Community members are encouraged to attend the meeting and share their comments on the reports. For more information call (562) 916-1315.

    Proposed sales tax increase of aprox .05% for shopping in Cerritos. If any Cerritos resident purchases a car anywhere in state of California, they will have to pay additional .05% to city of Cerritos. 90703 will be red-lined or targeted for this special Sales Tax.

    Many residences purchased in to the city in the 60’s-80’s; because of the beauty of Master Planned community. Today, the master planned community is not being professionally maintained , because of budget is being choked to death by sheriffs budgets, baby sitting Disneyland events from A-Z, retirement packages, which does not aid our real estate values. Over the past recession decade, the city’s public works have fallen to ruins, robbing property owners of MAXIMUM potential appreciation values. Most residents do not support city filing bankruptcy.

    Vacate Cerritos sheriff’s station w/ savings of est. $3 M dollars and relocate sheriffs back to the City of Lakewood.
    Vacate the city Cerritos planning department and relocate back to Los Angeles County : Corps of Engineers and planning department.
    Temp. Eliminate the Senior Citizen Center of all the adult babysitting programs, until all of the Public Works in city have been completed.
    Sublease the city of Cerritos Performing Arts Center to a private Enterprise to operate AND MAKE MONEY.
    Cerritos’s financial waste:

    Cerritos Loses Money | Facebook
    Cerritos Loses Money. 15 likes. Publicizes financial losses and money wasted by Cerritos Center for the Performing Arts–over $60 million down the drain…

    New fee schedule for Swim Center; vacate the impaired swim sessions.
    Reduce 600 employee staff and sub contract out: Secretarial, booking keeping, city attorney and administration staffers.
    Eliminate CCC lifetime medical insurance benefits and no monetary compensation for their services.
    Mandatory 30 yr tenure, before staffer retirements.
    Eliminate 2 sister cities: China and Mexico.
    Eliminate over night parking restrictions at savings for >$.5M
    Combine/piggy back all cities elections w/ state elections only, savings of over >$.25M per election.
    Fire sale of some of the RDA holdings and use incomes to immediately repair all breached public works.
    Re -Instate property street light tax districts for commercial users.
    Vacate Let freedom Ring celebration w/ savings over $60K
    Eliminate Halloween and Spring Festival of savings over $30K.
    Stop sheriff patrol of the 3 malls and make 3 mall owners pay for private patrol.
    Many property owners in Cerritos will never be able to vote on city issues, since they will never be eligible to vote because of immigration status, old age, health issues, religious beliefs, etc. City needs to create a more fairness way to vote on city issues, so all the 15,000 property owner’s can vote.
    Televised/ archived CCC meetings is 100% okay. But Some resident’s can not attend because of health issue, ageism, violations of employment contracts and poss. retaliation because of religious beliefs. City needs to create a public comments section, which hides the ID and keeps cameras off faces as an option only.

    Here are the email contacts for our seated CCC:
    CAROL CHEN | [email protected];
    Solanki | [email protected];
    George Ray | [email protected]
    Jim Edwards | [email protected];
    Mark Pulido | [email protected]

    Please view history for Cerritos 1956-2016

  • TimG says:

    No to the Sales Tax increase.

    Whoever wrote that above has described what is wrong with Cerritos. We gotten so far from what a city should provide in services that we can’t afford any of it. We need better leadership and managed cutbacks.