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The City of Cerritos’ three barrel trash system requires residents to separate regular trash, yard waste and recyclables. This system benefits the environment and lessens the volume of items destined for landfills. Unfortunately, the recyclable barrels also attract individuals who pilfer for self-gain.

The Cerritos Sheriff’s Station/Community Safety Center periodically receives complaints of late-night trash rummaging in various parts of the City on the night before trash pick-up day.

Cerritos Municipal Code Section 6.08.070 (d) reads: “No person, other than the owner thereof, his agents or employees or an officer or employee of this city or any person holding a contract with this city for the collection or disposal of refuse, his agents or employees authorized for such purposes, shall tamper or meddle with any refuse or rubbish container or the contents thereof, or remove the contents of any container or remove any container, from the location where the same shall have been placed by the owner thereof or his agent.”

Once your trash cans have been left on the curb, the contents belong to the City’s trash hauler, CalMet Services. Anyone pilfering trash is guilty of a misdemeanor and may be subject to arrest or a citation.

Residents who leave items out for scheduled pickups by non-profit groups should clearly mark the bag or item for pickup by the designated organization. Pickup from non-profit groups should be scheduled for a specific time of day, if possible. Some groups are willing to call a resident’s home when they are a short distance away from the location so the items do not have to be left unattended for a lengthy period of time.

If you observe someone stealing items from a curbside trash can or a resident’s property, call the Cerritos Sheriff’s Station at (562) 860-0044. It is important to provide a description of the suspect and vehicle, if applicable. Residents may want to consider placing all three barrels or just their recyclable barrel out by 7 a.m. on the morning of trash collection day. This reduces the timeframe for pilfering and drastically lowers the chances of it occurring.

  • Pilfer says:

    Council Woman Carol Chen, PPC commissioner arrests Realtor for Trash Pilfering.

    13000 Block Kyle, Cerritos.
    Ret. Cerritos Realtor arrested /search warrant for trash pilfering in Cerritos, La Palma, Lakewood, Artesia and Buena Park. Realtor has been pilfering for past 25-30 yrs and remains active pilfering today. Drives late model black Chevrolet Truck and pilfers trash in the evening and pre dawn hrs. Currently lives in Cypress off of the equestrian track on Gay St, Cypress, in gated estate. This case is still in the courts and realtor and family are still actively pilfering recycle trash on the curbside. Realtors entire family are professional pilfering. This has cost the city, hundred of thousands dollars to prosecute in to a dead end scenario. Was this a show between realtors, or is staff trying to spend Public Works General Funds, where this $100,000+ could of been spent on tree trimming & block wall repairs?

    Live taping of arrest and video of property: November 30, 2010.
    Fast forward 34 min-1 hr 20 min.

    Los Cerritos Community News article, 1/1/2016.

  • Steel Drum says:

    Don and Julie Knabe, are Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, plus are the owners of Calmet trash haulers.

    Knabe is turned out as LA County Board of Supervisors, so he is just looking for some more money, so he can rack up more millions of dollars off of our trash. This is just a conflict of interest, when the former mayor of Cerritos, turned LA County Supervisor, is now part of Cerritos trash haulers; making money off the city he was elected from.

    Briarwood St will be better off, when Knabe is termed out, street can return to norm, without all of the sheriff cars patrolling Knabe’s home.

    Why is the trash hauling fees cheaper in Cypress, compared to the high rates charged in Cerritos? How many residents can put the trash at curbside at 7am, morning of trash day, plus try to get to work, as most of the oversize trash cans, need to be removed from side yards with crane/ elbow grease and sweat.

    Cerritos will be better off when the Knabes will be out of power. Hope Don does not want to run for republican council for Cerritos. Had enough of Knabe’s influence to last century.