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HMG-CN Exclusive: Dead Body Found in Burned Out Car on Denni St. in Cerritos



Close up of car from picture below.

Photo of burned out car, reports are there was a charred body on the car and gunshots were heard before the flames.


Photo of burned out car, reports are there was a charred body on the car and gunshots were heard before the flames.



By Brian Hews

Sheriff’s deputies responded to a vehicle fire on Denni Street this morning.

A late model Honda was fully involved. The fire department extinguished the flames.

Hews Media Group-Community News has exclusively confirmed there was a badly burned body in the car.

A resident claimed he heard gunshots the night before.

Investigators are on scene, no word if it was a homicide or suicide.

One Cerritos resident told HMG-Cn, “last night during the debates, we heard the helicopters above, they said there was a bad motor vehicle accident over on the north side of the Regional Park, but they couldn’t find the driver, so I heard the helicopters overhead  about 9 p.m. As I understood, a car hit a light pole north of the park, and south of the 91 freeway. then we heard a gunshot about 8:30 p.m. last night. This morning around 7 a.m., we heard the helicopter above, this car was on fire behind my house. My brother, Ken,  was out there, my brother and another neighbor  trying to pull the body out, but did not succeed it was too hot.”

Update 1:30

The car is registered out of the city of La Palma, unknown of the sex or the race of  owners  car. Coroner’s office is supposed to make an investigation later this afternoon to see if they can determine if it was a murder or suicide. The body is too charred. Body was located in front seats of either Toyota or Honda.

Update 2:45

Body has been pulled from the vehicle, appears to be a smaller male.

HMG-CN will update when available.



Anyone with information about the incident is asked to call the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department’s Homicide Bureau at (323) 890-5500.

  • Resident says:

    Last Sunday in Advent, 911 call was first made at 7:30 a.m. by Ken/ Andy, for this late 90’s Toyota Corolla on fire. Sunday morning it took a long time for either the Orange County Fire Department/ Los Angeles County Fire Department to respond, along with the Cerritos sheriff’s, plus the La Palma Police Department, they are still arguing on the jurisdiction of North Denni Street, after 50 years. No one wanted to get involved, as there’s a legal Fallout, regarding the union work, and who and which county this will be charged to. This has been going on on on for decades. Neither city or neither County wants to take charge of this area including the famous Del Amo Bridge which has seen a lot of fatalities on it also. Until decade ago, N. Denni Street was under control by : Cerritos-La Palma-Cypress, today, N Denni is 90% Cerritos, 10% La Palma……very arguementive.

    Photos of Del Amo Bridge

    During the day, the crime scene lasted for about 12.5 hours, and La Palma police did nothing to aid the gridlock traffic on North Denni Street, and throughout the neighboring streets in both Cerritos and La Palma. A lot of the emergency vehicles responders were parked on the La Palma side of Denni Street, and also the traffic was backed up on La Palma side of the Street. LP PD did nothing to lend a helping hand. Xmas weekend, did not play out for the residents who live in this area. LA County bomb squad was called in to use jaws of life to remove the melted roof from the burned out car and shovel scoop the last remains from the burned wreckage of the deceased La Palma male.

    It’s shameful shameful shameful, that both the city of Cerritos and the city of La Palma, not one councilperson nor Commissioner came out to lend a helping hand to the residences in the area, or to least show up. No local Chaplin’s for this religious holiday week of Christmas. During election campaigning, we always hear how these immigrant council people elect, want to give back to their country, but in times of emergencies like this, nothing, they did not do nothing. Very sad day.

    This is why I’m so much in favor of having city elections by small districts, so a Council/Commissioner would represent a small district, and stop this popcorn government we have today, and forevermore stop candidates which are running from the homeowners associations, because they think own the whole city.

    This North end of Denni, has been home to a lot: suicides, car theft, drug dealing, drug drop off, public urination, drop of for stolen -stripped cars/boats, sex in cars and in El Rancho Park, auto accidents, drag racing, pedestrian accident, unleashed dogs and coyotes, along with an attempted rapes. Gutters along N Deni are full of used condemns and booze bottles, as Cerritos PW vendors, cleans the sidewalks on Friday, to clean-up these units. Again neither City, nor County wants to get involved, it would be too costly to prosecute, different court houses, along with they don’t want to patrol this area, because whatever citations are made, it may upset their union labor board because of being represented in different counties. Los Angeles sheriff came right out and said they don’t want to patrol this area, is it’s too expensive to go to these multiple Cerritos Island areas, sitting inside of La Palma STRIP ZONING. La Palma police department are always too broke to patrol these areas. iSLAND COMMUNITIES do have a connection with La Palma, all of the utilities feeding these Cerritos Islands are fed from La Palma Utilities. Unfortunately, City of La Palma water, charges these 300 Island Properties, double water rates, compared to Cerritos, because Cerritos water rates are subsidized by Cerritos General Funds. La Palma water rates are based on 4900 Sq Ft lots, most of the lots in the Cerritos Islands communities, sitting inside of La Palma, have 6500-9000 Sq Ft Lots, some are full 1 acre parcels. None of the Cerritos Council Persons have aided us Cerritos Island Communities for water rates or infinity of other issues.

    El Rancho Verdes Park is shared by two cities, by two counties, and was developed back in the 90’s by our park department, Todd Kuh, implementing drought tolerant sections of the park.
    This suicide- homicide car is part of the eco system on North Denni St, babies are conceived in parked cars, homeless camps struggles and now deaths. We will never know the true source of death for this Toyota, as gas can was found inside the perimeter for this crime scene. could BE HOMICIDE, accidental death or suicide by choice.

    —–Whatever the outcome from this other side of exiting life, residents have this history tattooed on their hood for life—–Yes, suicide is part of the Otherside of Diversity, something Obama and right to die groups, are just beginning to debate.