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BREAKING: Montebello Candidate Vanessa Delgado Seen Asking for Votes at Polling Place, Violating Campaign Laws

Staff Report

Several witnesses have called HMG-CN, confirmed by several posts on Everything In and Around Montebello Facebook, that Montebello City Council candidate Vanessa Delgado was seen at the Montebello Library pandering votes.



Delgado on library floor.

Delgado on library floor. Photo courtesy In and Around Montebello Facebook.



Delgado was escorted off the premises by officials.

Residents are calling out polling master Mr. Ibarra for allowing her campaign.

The law states no person on election day can “electioneer”  within 100 feet of a polling place.

A person violating the law is guilty of a misdemeanor.

Jared Davidson posted: True Story, I went to vote and she introduced her self to me telling me to vote for her. 5 ft from the polling place door Illegal move guess she thinks the law doesn’t apply to her. Since 10am when I went she was there! Someone must be feeling like a loser to do this pathetic move…I didn’t vote for her or her BF Hit the Road Jack!

Yvette Fimbres posted: STORY IS TRUE!!!! I was at the library and the pollworkers verified the story. She was ILLEGALLY SOLICITNG VOTES.

Emails into Ms. Delgado went unreturned.



Screenshot 2015-11-03 15.31.35

  • Floyd says:

    She must be one more uber lib democreep! Rules, laws, and COMMON sense NEVER apply to any of them! Is it any wonder why barry o’vomit won? When NOBODY obeys the law or pays any attention to them this is the result!