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Cerritos May Change Overnight Parking Permit Process

By Brian Hews

Way back in 1969, Cerritos enacted an ordinance that prohibited city street parking between 3 a.m. and 5 a.m. Three years later, the City established procedures to allow residents to obtain semiannual overnight parking permits. Now after 43 years, Cerritos, to the delight of many residents, will likely transition from a semiannual to an annual parking permit process as the Cerrito’s City Council will be contemplating whether or not the city should change the 43 year-old process at it’s October 8 meeting.

Cerritos issues approximately 51,500 semiannual and temporary parking permits each year at no charge.

Semiannual permits are issued in January and July of every year.

The permitting process is “very labor-intensive” according to city officials, and requires a Cerrito’s resident to complete an 8 page application that is followed by 10-step process performed by Community Safety Staff, finally issuing the permit.

Six weeks prior to expiration, residents are sent notices to remind them to renew their permits but, as with many things, residents usually wait and ending up overloading Cerritos staff with applications.

Residents have also expressed frustration having to complete the application twice a year and Cerritos officials have noticed a large amount of the application information does not change from year to year.

The Cerritos staff report indicated that, “going to the annual parking permit process will minimize inconvenience to the resident. In addition, it would cut down on the volume of paperwork and time-consuming process associated with the semiannual process. Also, annual parking permit would be more in line with the majority of cities that do issue parking permits.”

A study done by the city showed that out of 88 cities, only 25% issue overnight parking permits with charges ranging from zero to as much as $150 per year.

In the report, Cerritos staff strongly recommended that Council adopt the resolution.

The report did not mention the potential savings to the city in transitioning from semiannual to annual.

  • Romero's says:

    Cerritos city council meeting, stating the city has 15,000 homes, but issues 48,000 overnight parking permits per year. Something’s wrong. 3x the number of homes in the city can not comply to only parking in the driveway, when there are a significant number of homes, with wide driveways, 3 car wide driveways and RV width properties. Seems more of a witch-hunt in to the privacy of personal lifes.

    Hmmm, majority of the staff in the city, do not live in Cerritos, but live in Huntington Beach, Seal Beach and Yorba Linda, each city w/ no parking ordinances.

  • Cynthia says:

    Cerritos is the only City that tickets Handicapped Drivers.
    The tickets don’t hold up if the person can drive all the way to Pico Rivera to contest it but why make handicapped residents go through that?
    Now the set up is if u r disabled & you have a Dr willing to go through the hoops you have to ask the city every 4 months for on street parking. That was after disability rights lawyers got involved. Honestly it’s just too much. Besides having health issues I’ve lost use of a limb which just by looking at me you can tell I’m disabled so it’s not a guessing game. They hassled me during chemo that’s how bad it is.
    We’ve been here over 40 years. I don’t need to be hassled by the city every 4 months to get the safest place for me to park that works for my situation.
    They need to leave the handicapped drivers alone at least start there!
    I messaged the council a few months ago asking for help – never heard a word from any of them. Then I see they met on this – yesterday. I wish I knew they were talking about it before it happened.

    • Wayne R. says:

      Dearest Cynthia:

      All of the Cerritos Asian Council elected n appointed Chinese commissioners know nothing about disabilities, handicap, impaired, because in their countries they kill said at childbirth. ABC is one of the worst cities for aiding children w/disablilites. Whole pack of Chinese leaders in Cerritos government is just ruining the city.

      Pleased contact city attorney, Mark Steres,ESQ, address your concerns, then file your registered complaints w/ State Bar, to attack attorney license. City Council we have is nothing, & most of the staffers there only to suck in paycheck and lifelong perks.

      Remember, government is run by the residents, dont put up with this asian toilet water concept & Carol Chen poison kool-aid.
      Steve Steres, City Attorney
      Aleshire & Wynder LLP; 2361 Rosecrans Ave Ste 475;
      El Segundo, CA 90245;
      (3 1 0) 5 27 -6 6 6 0 | fax: (3 1 0 ) 5 3 2 – 7 3 9 5…
      msteres @ awattorneys . com

  • Barbara Weinstokerham says:

    Chester West
    I love the no parking rule it keeps the riff raff out.
    Cerritos should charge for these permits.
    I’ve got folks on my street who have extended their driveway across their entire property and squeeze 4 cars because too many of them live I one house. This rule controls having 15 people living under one roof, because they’ll do it if you let em’. People need to use their garage for cars,not a hoarding junk area!



    Are you being prejudice, what defines riff raff and who is the government to define the size of families and how many live in a house. Federal government has no definition of the size of a families, so why are you posting your one way opine? Nothing in the state or city laws, defining a garage or how many cars are parked on a driveway.

    What would you do if your neighbor decide to conceive and raise 24 children, potential for 24-26 cars in matter of 16 years? How would you react if a Mormon family moved on to your street, with multiple sister wives and 4 doz children?

    Please think before you write such trash. I raised 14 children, from blended families, we were both widows w/children. We had rally of -16- cars!!!!

  • Tina A says:

    Something is wrong on those parking permit holders. They park anytime anywhere in the neighborhood except in front of their houses. No respect at all on their neighbor’s spaces. Can the City do something about these problem. It is really a nuisance.