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Oct. 2, 2015 Hews Media Group-Community News Front Page Preview

Screenshot 2015-10-01 14.51.33

  • Shadow Park HOA says:

    Maybe Bellflower redistricting will rub off on Cerritos. HOA’s have tried to rule Cerritos for to long of time, while the Westside of town, seldom produces candidates and some of the Westside of Cerritos is not using ABCUSD.

    ABCUSD has districts, with elections in Nov 2015, but no forums, so turnout will be minimal.

    For decades, city of Cerritos has talked about creating voting districts, but have failed to become reality.

  • Sunshine Park says:

    Article about mayor Carol Chen by Mr. Hewes, further tarnishes the Chinese race; & City of Cerritos . Probably a good thing the Measure AA did not pass, now all the city school trustees(elected players); will have a better shot of voting for contents of future Measure AA. Think the position of Carol Chen, realtor, has gone to her head, as she feels like she is a new Buddhism God for the area. When will the voters stop voting for teachers, realtors and PHD nothings?

    Cerritos has not had good council for many decades, they have all been great disappointment, & viewers from around the world can contest to this after viewing on-line meetings.

    Mr. Hewes, her kool-aid, (AKA: #1 Urine), is poison to the sewer & corrupt politicians she is buying .

  • Shoemaker n Artesia Blvd. says:

    Cerritos City Council Meeting, 2015 | 10 | 08

    Change to Overnight Parking Rules….

    My opine, this reads like the parking ordinance is going to improve the safety of our streets 24/7; reality only effects parking from 3am-5am.

    Charging for overnight parking, just another fleecing by the city republicans, lock hold on the city residents, and or Mello Roos Tax for car ownership. Why dont we charge for parking at the CCPA, as each yr, over $5M in the red ink of negative cash flow?

    Increased parking restrictions, will only aid in keeping the city from being more diversified home ownership.

    PARKING ORDINANCE, implemented in 1969, ((46 yrs ago )); residences are either dead, Alzheimer or were not even conceived in mothers womb. Pope urges for national tolerance, see the Republican elected are still trying to create social tier group, over parking restrictions.

    Sure would like to have the input of the surrounding cities, which will be effected by this nonsense, as Cerritos Residences will dump their cars:
    La Palma
    Sante fe Springs,
    E Lakewood,