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National, State, and Local Politicians Refuse to Denounce Central Basin Candidate Jason Stinnett’s Criminal Record

HMG-CN Staff Report

Last week HMG-CN exclusively broke a story in print and online about Central Basin Candidate Jason Stinnett’s past criminal record revealing that the city of Commerce’s Media Specialist has, since 1996, been convicted of drunk driving, reckless driving while under the influence of drugs and alcohol, knowingly operating a vehicle with a suspended license, and ordered to pay $5,000 in back child support as a result of a heated paternity lawsuit filed in 1996.

The story was one of the top stories of all time as far as the number of hits and re-tweets on the HMG CN website and was backed up by several documents obtained from various Los Angeles courthouses.

Mr. Stinnett is currently on probation until early November 2014.

 Click here to read story.

In light of the article, HMG-CN attempted to contact politicians who are endorsing Stinnett including Congresswoman Linda Sanchez, 58th District Assemblywoman Cristina Garcia, and State Senator 33rd District Ricardo Lara asking if they would pull their endorsement of Stinnett.

At the time of publication of this article, no answer has been received.

A comment was left on the HMG-CN website that gave an indication of Sanchez’ stance.

The person wrote on the website, “I just received a telephone call from someone telling me that Congresswoman Linda Sanchez is endorsing Jason Stinnett. I asked the person why she was doing so and he replied that she supported him because of his integrity and good reputation. I asked if he knew that Stinnett was on probation for drug and alcohol offenses and the young man told me I was crazy. He told me not to believe the press. I was confused. Again, I asked the man why Sanchez and Assemblyperson Cristina Garcia and Senator Ricardo Lara would be endorsing Stinnett without verifying his criminal record and other allegations I have learned from this newspaper? He said that Jason Stinnett was the “unions” candidate and that all democrats are suppose to endorse him because he is a union guy.”

HMG-CN contacted Eric Bauman, the Vice-Chair of the California Democratic Party who said, “we just don’t pull the endorsement, our rules are very specific and generally require due process… the question is whether we promote the endorsement or not…. which we will not promote the endorsement.”

HMG-CN also contacted AFSCME spokesperson Erica Zietlin with no response. AFSCME gave Stinnett a $1,000 campaign donation.

On the local level, Cudahy Mayor Chris Garcia defended Stinnett with a 900-word letter to HMG-CN but calls into Commerce City Council members went unanswered.

Several other comments left on the HMG-CN website blasted Stinnett for his past, none defended him.


Mailer with endorsements of politicians who did not respond to HMG-CN's questions about Stinnett's past.

Mailer with endorsements of politicians who did not respond to HMG-CN’s questions about Stinnett’s past.

  • Gary Foster says:

    Unions corrupt. When will people acknowledge that simple and proven fact. The notion that three worthless federal and state officials continue to support a convict currently on probation based solely on his union affiliation is revolting. When will the day come when people wise up and vote for the most qualified candidate instead of basing their support on a person’s status within a union’s hierarchy? What a pathetic club.

  • gilman says:

    What a huge disappointment to hear of Cristina Garcia’s endorsement. She had an opportunity to be the real deal and bring about real and meaningful change. Instead, she violated our trust and has supported this union hack.

  • AndyAmerican says:

    Maybe because a “back door deal” has been made with Jason? Come on…!! American politics is all about empty promises, incompetent people and picking the “right puppet” to do the job (greedy / evil bidding)! I’m still rooting for Mike Diamond (the plumber) to run. He’s got my vote!

  • Sergio Carrillo says:

    Maybe, just maybe, these leaders believe that Jason Stinnett is the best choice for the Central Basin Municipal Water District.

  • AndyAmerican says:

    Sergio Carrillo, do you honestly believe; even slightly that may be the case?!! (Face palm & smh). This is why our country is going down the toilet! How is Jason “Jail-Stint” Stinnett even qualified???? HOW????!!!!! What experience does he have with water?? So what if the union boys like him! What does the union know about water? I’m for Unions, but also against them- that will be for another debate. Give us someone who knows what to do and is not scratching special interests backs! I promise you all… with all the candidates that we have, there will be no good to come from this election. It’s simple…. What are his qualifications to even speak of “safer / cleaner water”? NONE! Look, I can do that too: “vote for me, AndyAmerican; for Senator because I like stuff.” Campaign slogan: “None of the above”