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LA Times Reports L.A. Register Closing

Layoffs hit Freedom Communications as it ceases publication of L.A. Register

Layoffs hit the Orange County Register on Tuesday after owner Freedom Communications ceased publication of its Los Angeles daily five months after it debuted.

Click here to read LA Times story by Andrew Khouri


  • Los Cerritos Mall Patron says:

    When is the writers funeral and where will it be held? Wonder if the Coffin will be KFC Bigg Barrel or lunchbox edition.

    Co-owners Aaron Kushner and Eric Spitz thought they could set the world on fire, buying papers in all of Socal and charging for on-line subscriptions. Kushner and Spitz were awful on Linkedin.com . Both men thought wearing diamond studded athletic supporters were Vogue.

    Then OCR went on TV, did great job on reporting OC News, better then all TV news. Did great job only on covering OC and nothing else.

    Then when there online version went Facebook only, knew recipe for failure.

    Freedom Enter. Has lot of litigation to pay off in Arizona.

    Orange Co needs a good in depth paper with over the top Sunday edition & magazine compared to LA Times Magazine years ago.

    Long Beach prints great little read: http://www.gazettes.com/ ; Press telegram is nothing anymore.