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EXCLUSIVE: L.A. County Supervisors Approve Urgency Motion on Central Basin Water

HMG-CN Staff Report

HMG-CN has exclusively received an Urgency Motion on Central Basin Water that was approved by the LA County Board of Supervisors at today’s meeting.

The two page motion stated, ” The cloud of dysfunction at Central Basin continues to undermine efforts to reform the agency and its Board, it is appropriate at this time for the Board of Supervisors to request a comprehensive State management Audit of Central Basin and to pursue any related legislative and non-legislative actions necessary to effectively maintain water availability and services to Central Basin’s customers, including the potential for another local water management agency, if necessary, to undertake the water-related functions and activities currently performed by Central Basin.”

The motion went on to… “Direct the CEO and Public Works, in consultation with County Counsel, to prepare and send a five-signature letter to the State, including the Chair of the State’s Water, Parks, and Wildlife Committee, requesting a comprehensive State management Audit of the Central Basin Municipal Water District.”

The CEO and Public works was ordered to report back to the Board in 30 days.

HMG-CN reported earlier that the ‘Roybal Three’- Directors James Roybal, Leticia Vasquez, and Bob Apodaca are planning to fire current GM Tony Perez and remove Board President Phil Hawkins at tomorrow’s meeting.

When told of the removal and firing L.A. County Supervisor Don Knabe told HMG-CN, “Frankly, the behavior and dysfunction at the Central Basin is absolutely out of control.  I am concerned about their ability to perform their primary function – maintaining water availability and services to the constituents we represent.  So today, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors approved my urgency motion to request a comprehensive state audit of the Central Basin and put a contingency plan in place for another agency, or even our own Public Works department, to take over.  We cannot put more than 2 million people in 24 cities and unincorporated Southeastern Los Angeles at this kind of risk because of the outrageous and bungling behavior of this Board.”

See motion here.


  • gilman says:

    Great News! With any luck the State will step in and take over the operations of Central Basin to protect the ratepayers.

  • Lee Irvin says:

    Well it’s about time. After watching these clowns continue to pillage and mismanage public funds, someone somewhere has to step in and gain some semblance of control over there. I’m with Kanabe in just having the whole group kicked out and having some other agency take over. At the very least, less money will be stolen or wasted which to me is one and the same. The Roybal three need to be investigated to make sure time behind bars isn’t warranted. I hope the audit is swift and the Hammer comes down on the whole lot. Thank you Mr. Kanabe. Looks like your the only politician in town with Balls. I’m glad you serve my district.

  • Luis Contreras Sr. says:

    I also want to express my appreciation to Supervisor Knabe. Although I do not believe legislative action can happen soon enough, we must remember that the November election is just around the corner. Voter’s in Whittier, La Mirada, Norwalk, Santa Fe Springs and La Habra Heights have the opportunity to replace Bob Apodaca on November 4th!

    Replacing Apodaca with either Tom Malkasian or Noel Jaimes can accomplish the same thing if Art Chacon is reelected. Phil Hawkins and Chacon have proven to be a legitimate and honest team who have opposed Apodaca, Leticia Vasquez and James Roybal (the Roybal Three) since day one. I have heard Jaimes speak and he acknowledges that the Roybal Three are the problem at Central Basin while Knabe has come out and endorsed Malkasian. Either of these guys work for me.

    I sincerely hope to see Mr. Knabe endorses Chacon as well to make it clear to the voters that the “Knabe Three” can save Central Basin!

  • No Way Out says:

    Is this sad or what? Why is it so hard to find legitimate, honest individuals to run for public office? It’s obvious this Roybal guy won because of his name and the fact that for some strange reason people think teacher’s are credible people (they’re also know to molest children too). And the surprise, Roybal lands in Teacher Jail for molesting children! Should we be surprised??

    And of course we already know Apodaca has a history of sexually harassing women. YET THESE THREE MAKE HIM PRESIDENT?? WTF? Talk about a slap in the fact to Don Knabe! And what’s Apodaca’s history..former CALDERON staffer naturally!

    Finally there’s the real train wreck in the bunch Leticia Vasquez. Recalled and Ugly! What a combination. Sues to make money just to survive. What a disaster! And of course she’s another teacher as well as a friend of Albert Robles, the crown crook of water.

    Mr. Knabe, you can’t go wrong going after these guys. Hopefully you can nudge the non-existent District Attorney to take a peek. That would be a treat for all of us. Roybal obviously committed fraud by collecting TWO paychecks for working the same hours…FRAUD! Vasquez leaked federal subpeonas and then forged them afterwards for good measure. What an idiot! And as for Apodaca, he’s just looking for his next hottie to “tag-team” with his pal Ernie.