DORA SANDOVAL _____________________________ ST. NORBERT CHURCH           RATES _______________________



California’s second largest water agency throws support behind water bond measure

Lakewood, CA – At Thursday’s meeting of the Water Replenishment District, the Board of Directors voted unanimously to support California Proposition 1 – the $7.5 billion water bond approved by the Legislature and signed by Gov. Jerry Brown on Aug. 13 which voters will be asked to approve on California’s November ballot.

“Proposition 1 is perhaps the most significant measure facing California voters this November,” said WRD Board President Sergio Calderon. “Not only does it represent years of bipartisan hard work, but this investment is critical for needed infrastructure improvements on groundwater cleanup, safe drinking water programs, water recycling, water storage, the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, as well as protections for our rivers and coastline.”

Assemblymember Anthony Rendon (D-Lakewood) authored the Water Quality, Supply and Infrastructure Improvement Act of 2014 which passed the State Assembly with bipartisan unanimous support. Governor Brown signed the bill the same day, thereby allowing the measure to be placed on the fall ballot for voters to approve.

“On behalf of WRD’s Board, I want to congratulate the leadership of Proposition 1’s author, Assemblymember Rendon, as well as Governor Brown for providing voters a comprehensive bond measure that will address California’s most immediate water needs,” added Calderon. “The epic drought that we are now facing has made it abundantly clear that the state must take action now to insure the future sustainability of our water infrastructure and protect our collective economic and environmental prosperity.”

Specific spending proposals in the proposition include:
• $520 million to improve water quality for “beneficial use,” for reducing and preventing drinking water contaminants, disadvantaged communities, and the State Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund Small Community Grant Fund.
• $1.495 billion for competitive grants for multi-benefit ecosystem and watershed protection and restoration projects.
• $810 million for expenditures on, and competitive grants and loans to, integrated regional water management plan projects.
• $2.7 billion for water storage projects, dams and reservoirs.
• $725 million for water recycling and advanced water treatment technology projects.
• $900 million for competitive grants, and loans for, projects to prevent or clean up the contamination of groundwater that serves as a source of drinking water.
• $395 million for statewide flood management projects and activities.

  • M c M a h o n says:

    Vote No | Cerritos Water Rate Increase | Sept-Oct 2014.

    10% Increase per yr, for the next 7 years. Proxy via mail in Sept-Oct 2014 Water Bill Statement. ….. PLEASE VOTE NO…….. Cerritos residents are consuming less water, city water needs more revenue to balance budget. Please vote no!! By not voting, this means a Yes vote, meaning the city can increase water rates.


    During the 60’s, voted for desalination water treatment plants for Redondo Beach and Santa Barbara. Vote passed, nothing materialized. Worldwide there are over 15,000 Desalination Plants. Calif has only one start up desalination plant in San Diego Co. Read the fine print for Gover. Brown’s Water Mello Roos Bond. No desalination plants and wants to transfer SJV truck crops to hillsides, for better climate, at expense of Mello Roos Bond Money. Los Angeles Water Bond, wants to convert gutter runoff of by Clean water Mello Roos Bond & or reclaimed-recycled water. Meantime;
    • Santa Ana River,
    • San Gabriel River,
    • Los Angeles Rivers,
    Are dumping Mountain Storm runoff in to the ocean and not reclaiming this.

    Many cities will not permit the construction of Artificial Turfgrass, Rock-gravel landscapes, etc.
    • Palms Springs,
    • Las Vegas
    • and Arizona
    Areall drought tolerant landscapes and look great, as Socal is part of the vast Mediterranean Dry Landscape.

    QUESTION: Do we really need state wide Mello Roos Bonds, or do we need some changes in local rules and regulations???



    Grp of elected or appointed city/district officials have submitted a ballot statement opposing the $195 million Mello Roos Bond . Copy of this statement:

    Those who signed this statement; don’t know anything about what happened with the 1997 Mello Roos Bond. They wouldn’t be talking about “a lasting, positive impact” if they knew Gahr High’s roof was replaced in 1999 and 2002, lasted 12-15 years, and has now “outlived useful life” in the district’s own words. They are so naive as to believe taxpayer protections; can be guaranteed because all expenditures will be reviewed by an independent citizens’ oversight committee. Trouble is even the school board doesn’t know any details of what projects will be carried out, which school for how much money. How can anyone else oversee anything? They need to have a detailed plan, if they are really interested in fixing our schools.

    Benjamin Ao | [email protected] | United HOA

  • John Paul Drayer says:

    Save our state, please vote yes, on the life saving water bond. Prop. 1!