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Norwalk Sets Recycling of E-Waste, Documents, Oil Filters

Oil filter for motor oil in an automobile.

Oil filter for motor oil in an automobile. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

By Brian Hews
With the summer season just around the corner, officials at Norwalk City Hall are providing one last “Spring Cleaning” opportunity for residents and business owners this weekend to clear out unwanted electronic waste as well as important legal documents that need to be shredded.
The “Electronic Waste Collection and Shed-A-Thon” will be taking place at the Norwalk City Hall Parking lot at the corner of Norwalk Boulevard and Imperial Highway.
Residents and business owners are being encouraged to attend and participate in the event. In addition, city officials at the event will also accept old television sets, outdated computers, and cell phones. All of the items will be safely destroyed and recycled.
The City of Norwalk is also sponsoring a used oil filter recycling event on Sat., May 17th at Auto Zone. Participants are being asked to bring in a used oil filter and receive a new filter for free, while supplies last.
The AutoZone is located at 13927 So. Pioneer Blvd. in Norwalk. Residents who bring in used oil or used oil filters are eligible for free items. The event will take place between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.
Used oil must be properly stored in a clean, uncontaminated container. For more information, please call (562) 944-4766.

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  • kking says:

    These events are jokes. They do not accept common e-waste such as dead batteries (A, AA, C, etc, not car batteries) or old light bulbs. They only want things they can sell for profit.