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Central Basin Votes to Censure Director Art Chacon

Staff Report

In a contentious meeting today, Central Basin Water Directors Letica Vasquez, James Roybal, and Bob Apodaca voted to censure Director Art Chacon.

Two censure items were voted on, one for concealing his identity to members of law enforcement and the other for accepting car travel per diem while not having a valid driver’s license.

The second vote is a point of contention given that Chacon does not have a license because Central Basin is in a lawsuit with the Joint Powers Insurance Authority over Chacon’s 2010 auto accident.

Since the case has not been settled, it remains on his DMV record and Chacon cannot obtain his license.

“ I am fortunate to have many friends drive me to meetings and events, Chacon said in an earlier interview with HMG-CN, “I would like to get my license back, but the case is not settled. I am still going to meetings, and incurring mileage on my car.”

The censure comes at a time when Apodaca is involved in three sexual harassment lawsuits that could cost the District millions, Roybal is in “Teacher Jail” and earning money, a violation of LAUSD policy of which Roybal is under investigation for, and the revelation by HMG-CN that Vasquez is suing the District as a whistle-blower and could make millions under the Qui Tam provision.


  • Victor says:

    The Horrible. Leticia Vasquez was honored last night in fundraising event for another corrupt Caldron . Go figure!!!

  • Ivan Crosby says:

    Victor, where was this event Leticia was honored? Was this for Ian Calderon? The woman took money from both Ron Calderon and his brother Tom…so why not Chuck’s kid too? Heard she was at a fundraiser for Water Replenishment District’s Sergio Calderon this week…was it for him?? Sergio’s another crocked Calderon who is part of the Lit’ Albert Robles-Dymally circle of theives.

    It is unbelievable that this woman would be accusing Art Chacon for BS stuff like this 2010 auto accident. I mean, come one..Leticia Vasquez has been involved in more illegal crap than a Richard Nixon insider. She ‘s a fraud and I’m sure she’ll be recalled for the SECOND TIME! couldn’t happen to a nicer piece of human garbage.

  • Victor says:

    You are right it was for Sergio Caldoran . Sergio won his water bit under the flag of being from The Caldron klan. And yes he was realy drunk again , Tu Sabes.