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Assemblywoman Cristina Garcia Calls Calderon Corruption Indictments ‘Cast Shadow of Corruption’


Assemblywoman Cristina Garcia

By Brian Hews

California State Assemblywoman Cristina Garcia was quick to react to the indictments of California State Senator Ronald Calderon and his brother former Assemblyman Thomas Calderon on Friday by telling members of the media that the case   “casts a shadow of corruption” over California state government officials.

 Garcia, who was the first lawmaker in Sacramento to call for Senator Ron Calderon to resign more than three months ago at a press conference in front of Bell Gardens City Council.

 “When I decided to run for public office less than two years ago, I did so with a resolve to rebuild the public’s trust in government. In large part because I believe that the core reason why our Democracy works is trust and when that trust is broken, at any level the whole institution suffers,” Garcia said.

 “Today’s action by the US Attorney casts a shadow of corruption and greed over our government and all who serve as elected officials. The scope of these misdeeds is stunning and will only act to further sever the public’s trust in their government,” she continued.

“Much of this corruption has occurred in my own backyard, where I have fought for ethical behavior and public accountability at all levels of government.  Today’s charges are a setback and damaging to our political system. All of us in public office must be part of rebuilding public confidence and I am committed to authoring a legislative package of reforms to make democracy work for everyone in our state.”

“I firmly believe that the majority of elected officials serve honorably and ethically, but when corruption arises, we must all act in the public’s interest,” Garcia said.

It is my hope that today’s political corruption indictments come with the silver lining that the days where special interest have the ability to unduly influence elected officials with contributions, perks and political machinations, are coming to an end,” Garcia continued.  

“I have faith that the judicial system will prevail here and that all involved will be brought to justice. I also encourage the public to take advantage of the hotline to report potential misdeeds:  1-855-5bribes. “


  • John Paul Drayer says:

    This is a very sad day in our 32nd Senate district. We need effective and honest representation in Sacramento to bring jobs, businesses, affordable housing to our communities to strengthen our schools and colleges.

  • Billy Burke says:

    Cristina Garcia needs to quit this little miss innocent routine. She’s a staunch ally of fellow freshman assemblyman Ian Calderon and she’s playing a little fast and furious with her anit-Calderon rhethoric. She’s scheming with Junior Calderon to endorse and support Irella Perez for Uncle Ron’s Senate seat and someone needs to call into question who funneled Irella with $60,000 to loan herself. Say what Ninja?

    Irella Perez just reported raising a little over $100,000 for her senate run against former assemblyman Tony Mendoza and Downey councilman Mario Guerra. The problem was, she only raised $40K and somehow was able to pull $60K from under her mattress to dump into the longest of longshot campaigns? Hmm? Wonder if the father of her four small children knows he’s paying way too much alimony?

    Cristina is trying to make herself a little player in southeast politics and is intent on become the next Calderon-like KingMaker. This newspaper needs to keep an eye on her and her buddies like Irella Perez, Ian Calderon, Gustavo Camacho, Lila Leon, Martha Escuitia and her ex-hubby Leo Briones (who’s running the campiagns behind the scenes).