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Project to Restore America Touts Hews Media Group Story on Speaker Perez, Bashes LA Times for Not Covering Story

The Project to Restore America, “a non-partisan group wishing to restructure American Governance”, cited HMG’s article on Speaker Perez and blasted the LA Times for holding the story.

The text from their website below:

The Worst Reporter of the Week has an optional ‘s’.  And this week we take advantage of the plural form to call-out all of the decision makers at The Los Angeles Times.

 The Worst Reporter(s) of the Week Award goes to the editors at LA Times who had an audio tape of the California Speaker of the House John Perez shaking down a local water district but chose not to cover the story.
The powerful liberal democrat and union boss was caught in the act. But a community newspaper in Los Angeles had to break the story.  To read what you should have read about in The Los Angeles Times but didn’t, click here.
  • steve smith says:

    We have a corrupt captive media, the corruption footprint includes 12 congressmen and potential coconspirators as well as 2 senators and Speaker Boehner as well as several state legislators, the CBWD “projects” had federal funding and federal “protection” which only comes with “donations”.

  • Wayne Carter Sr. says:

    I question why the Los Angeles Times held back on publishing this story? If they indeed had the audio tapes, they certainly failed to fulfill their duties as LA’s premier newspaper. Los Cerritos Community News has emerged as the leading investigative reporters in the southland. We must continue to support this publication.