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July 5 Downey Community News E-edition

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  • McMahon, J. says:

    Friday, July 05, 2013


    RE: Reply to Mayor Guerra Campaign

    Since you have ties as Catholic deacon to Downey Catholic Churches, doesn’t your run for holding public office, put you in arms ways of separation of church and state? Both Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church and St Raymond Catholic Church, are not in support of you running for public office. Downey Fire Department union is not in support of your running for state senate. I am former parishioner of both parishes, so speak from the belly of separation of churches.

    Downey is a fine city, done a wonderful job for redeveloping mega mansions, but has the city done an A+ job on urban redevelopment of the} streets, city landscape, parks, etc. Many areas throughout the city, no street lights, no side walks, asphalt need repairs and gangs have over run the parks. Areas along the corridor } 5, 605, 105 are ridden with gangs and hoods are in ruins, compared to central sections of town. Cerritos breached public works, are spreading to Downey.

    My family is bi-product of GM-Ford-Rockwell Plants, which survived in Downey 50′-80’s….. We were all hoping for Tetsla Motors establishing in Downey. Your campaign promises for N E W jobs, why cant you start today, establish some new employment for Downey:
    • Ikea.
    • Fry Electronics.
    • Re Opening of Car Dealerships .
    • Originating swimming pool builders.
    • Opening solar manufacturing and sales outlets.
    • Creating new Landscape Nurseries.
    • RV Manufacturing.
    • Re Opening former Gemco Pad.
    • E/W Tram to relieve gridlock on Imperial and Firestone.

    ►You own the newspaper in Downey. What is the newspaper doing to combat & or advertised for residents to get jobs from LA Times and OC Register areas?


    Many Downey residents support the CCPA, would like your opine, how Downey and Cerritos can come together to create Joint Venture for CCPA.

    Photos tell the picture. Kind of scared of the make-up of Downey Council and commissioners, as not racially open binder. Don’t see many woman, red heads, African americans nor blonds appointed .
