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April 5 Los Cerritos Community News E-edition

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  • McMahon, J. says:

    RE: LCCN Article | Councilpersons Cho-Chen Keep Same Appointees………..

    Friday, April 05, 2013.

    Heartland of America would be ashamed at the closed political binders of both Cerritos Councilpersons. There is not synergy between appointees and the appointee’s lack of good fluent English and non knowledge of the people’s choice to be heard in our democracy methods. These appointees lack resume of experience and are chosen as a personal friend towards playing the race card.

    Most of the appointees, plus the councilpersons; lack personable face to reach out to the residents. Council and appointees lack personality skills and speak thru there loose dentures or read off of dialog 3×5 cards.

    Cerritos City Clerks offices said in the past; but have no current knowledge, that some of the council appointees:
    • Not citizens,
    • Expired residency permits,
    • Not registered taxpayers for the State of California, but were registered out of different states. This was clarified by the city managers office too.

    Over 5+ yrs, city has spent hundreds of thousand of dollars on a ghost Protocol Manual for the council and appointees. To date, all show and no go; NO PROTOCOL MANUAL; but the council and appointees are running on trips and educational seminars.

    Always said allow the voters of the city to make appointees by personal resume application and stop the race card honor system.

    Pray that both Brian and Randy can do some research on the status of past and present appointees and committee members residency portfolios.

  • McMahon, J. says:

    Saturday, April 06, 2013.

    Rough draft of the city Protocol Manual for consideration at Thurs CCC Public Hearing.