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Rep. Grace Napolitano calls for ‘Congressional Conversation’ on Mental Health, Gun Safety In Wake of Newtown Killings

Rep. Grace Napolitano

By Brian Hews

Rep. Grace F. Napolitano reacted to the horrific shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut on Friday by calling on Congress to pass the Mental Health in Schools Act and “gun safety throughout America.”

“I am saddened and troubled by this tragic, senseless violence in Connecticut. Having children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren of my own, my heart grieves with the parents who have lost their little ones. My deepest thoughts and prayers are with the students, teachers, families, and the entire Newtown community this evening.”

“Today’s tragic events shed light on the continued discussion and action needed in Congress to address the issues of mental health and gun safety. We must all work together to secure and protect the federal funding needed to carry out mental health services and programs for all Americans. We must ensure that mental health support is made available for all children, their families, first responders, and the community of Newtown to help deal with this tragic event.”

Mental Health Awareness Ribbon

Mental Health Awareness Ribbon (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Napolitano serves as the co-chair of the Congressional Mental Health Caucus and has introduced legislation, the Mental Health in Schools Act, to fund on-site mental health services for youth. The program is designed as a preventive measure to identify mental health problems in children early on and to help prevent tragic outcomes like depression, crime, and suicide that can occur later in life. The Mental Health in Schools Act is modeled off of Napolitano’s “Youth Suicide Prevention Program,” which she helped develop and fund for schools in her district since 2001.


National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK (8255): Suicide hotline, 24/7 free and confidential, nationwide network of crisis centers.

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  • FFL says:

    Maybe we need a conversation on why Grace is STILL in office after DECADES! The founders DID NOT envision an entire class of people being CAREER politicians! But DUMBO-CRAPS seem to manage it all the time, AT LEAST in libretard la la kool-aid land!

  • Charlie says:

    I agree with Grace Napolitano that Congress needs to look at Mental Health Issues and Gun Safety including the renewal of the ban on assault weapons. The insane views of the powerful NRA need to be confronted for the common good especially innocent children.