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La Palma-Cerritos AAUW Installs New Officers

By Edna Ethington

The La Palma-Cerritos Branch of the American Association of University Women (AAUW) installed its newly elected officers at Don Jose & Ricardo’s Mexican Restaurant in Artesia at a dinner meeting on June 7. Past President Judy Figal was the installing officer at the event. Following the Olympic theme, Figal honored the new elected board members by presenting them with facsimiles of Olympic medals complete with red, white and blue ribbons. She described what each member’s responsibilities were on the team and also her special skills and talent as she presented each medal. She presented President Barbara Dunstan with a crown of laurel leaves for her commitment to AAUW and her willingness to serve a second term as President knowing how much time and effort that would require. She praised Dunstan for her ability to build rapport as she worked with diverse groups, and especially, her great sense of humor. Dunstan said that she is looking forward to seeing the La Palma-Cerritos Branch of the AAUW continue to grow in membership in 2012 with the help of her “Team AAUW.”
The La Palma-Cerritos Branch of the AAUW is dormant in July, but plans are already made for starting the new fiscal year with a Potluck BBQ on Aug. 19, from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. at Cerritos Park East.
For more information, contact President Barbara Dunstan at 562-404-4760 or Membership Co-Chair Mary Ann Quinn at 562-924-1888.

  • Marilyn A. Hills says:

    I am presently a member at large that is considering joining a local branch. I live in La Palma.
