500+ STUDENTS: Los Angeles County Supervisor Janice Hahn honored the more than 500 students and eight band directors of the 605 All Star Band which made history performing in this year’s Rose Parade in a loud and lively ceremony at the Board of Supervisors meeting at the Kenneth Hahn Hall of Administration in Downtown Los Angeles. Courtesy office of Supervisor Janice Hahn.
January 31, 2025
LCCN Staff Report
This week, Los Angeles County Supervisor Janice Hahn honored the more than 500 students and eight band directors of the 605 All Star Band which made history performing in this year’s Rose Parade in a loud and lively ceremony at the Board of Supervisors meeting at the Kenneth Hahn Hall of Administration in Downtown Los Angeles.
The 605 All Star Band is comprised of over 500 students (both marching band and color guard) representing eight high schools (Mayfair High School, Artesia High School, Bellflower High School, Cerritos High School, Gahr High School, John Glenn High School, La Mirada High School, and Norwalk High School), across three school districts, and spans over seven cities along the 605 freeway. It is the brainchild of Mayfair High School’s band director, Tom Philips, who came up with the idea of bringing high schools from the area together to form one “super band”, with the goal of making it to the Rose Parade.
This year, they succeeded. The 605 All Star Band became the first composite band to perform in the Rose Parade, the largest band to perform this year, and ranks among the largest bands in the parade’s history.
“These young people and their band directors poured their hearts into this performance and, not only did they make it to the Rose Parade, they made history there,” said Supervisor Janice Hahn. “They worked hard, they spent their weekends rehearsing and even did a four-mile practice parade from Bellflower to Lakewood. Every one of them should be proud and they deserve the recognition and celebration of the County of Los Angeles.”
Students cheer on their band director as Hahn presents scrolls in Board Room.
Nearly 500 605 All Star Band members packed the Board Room at the Kenneth Hahn Hall of Administration this morning. Each student was presented a personalized certificate honoring their participation in the Rose Parade as part of the 605 All Star Band signed by the entire Board of Supervisors. On the dais, alongside ABC Unified Superintendent Dr. Gina Zietlow and Board member Ernie Nishii, Supervisor Hahn presented official Los Angeles County scrolls for each band to the eight band directors, Tom Philips of Mayfair High School, Juan Perez of Artesia High School, Omar Vidana of Bellflower High School, Bobby Westphal of Cerritos High School, Darren Loney of Gahr High School, Frank Hinojos of John Glenn High School, Robert Stearns of La Mirada High School, and Ramiro Castaneda of Norwalk High School.
Hahn presents all 8 605 All Star Band directors with county scrolls and student band members fill board room.
“We appreciate Supervisor Hahn taking the time to honor us,” said Tom Philips, the Director of Instrumental Music at Mayfair High School in Lakewood. “She has partnered with us and helped in obtaining the things we needed so we could have our practice parade in Norwalk. Supervisor Hahn’s office helped make that happen, and now you have 528 students that have endured grueling hours putting something together out of nothing—creating something and seeing a dream come true.”
During the ceremony, students cheered loudly for their band directors and presented Supervisor Hahn with a 605 All Star Band t-shirt, a framed photo of their performance, a pin, and a large banner thanking her for her support.
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