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Compton Courthouse Closed For The Next Several Days Due To Major Indoor Flood

January 2, 2023

The Compton Courthouse, located at 200 W. Compton Blvd., Compton, will close until further notice due to a pipe burst over the weekend that resulted in a major flood which has left the elevators, stairwells and lobby inaccessible.

The Court is in the process of working with partners at the Judicial Council of California, who own and operate the facility, to assess the damage and obtain an estimate on when the courthouse will reopen.

All imperative and in-custody matters will be transferred immediately to another courthouse for hearing. All other matters will be trailed. Parties in all cases will be notified of any transfers or continuances either via counsel or in person should they visit the courthouse. Parties not notified via counsel or in person will be sent formal continuance notices via the U.S. mail. Parties may also check the status of their case using the Court’s online services.

Assistance for those affected by the closure is available at (310) 761-4300. Compton court users are also encouraged to visit the Court’s website,, where much court business can be done remotely, including searching for traffic citations by driver’s license or citation number and paying citations or signing up for payment plans, searching for case information and updates, and more.

Please follow the Court on ‘X’, @LASuperiorCourt, for the latest updates.