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Renovation Slated for Downtown Disney Starting January 2022

Concept drawing of the finished additions.


Downtown Disney will undergo a major renovation to its west end, making way for modern additions to the popular mall adjacent to Disneyland.

Work will begin in January on the multi-year project.

The Star Wars Trading Post in the old Rainforest Cafe location and the area where ESPN Zone was,  were not mentioned as part of the renovation project.

The renovation is part of the DisneylandForward project.

“DisneylandForward is Disney’s effort to work with the city to grow the Disneyland resort, update the blueprint for the resort district and propel Anaheim’s economic rebound following the COVID-19 pandemic,” added McDonald. “Disney will be asking the city over the next weeks and months for more flexibility in how it develops company land planned for specific uses in the 1990s to be able to add a mix of theme park, hotel, retail, dining and entertainment on the eastern and western edges of the Disneyland resort.”