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Seven Easy Practices Help Deal With Anxiety

Imagine you have to speak in public tomorrow. What emotions occur in your mind? Most people feel anxious. Of course, you can get rid of this feeling for a while by listening to a relaxation playlist, playing slots from a casino games catalog of PlayAmo, or just preparing better for the event. But these activities won’t help you completely forget about anxiety. In this case, it is better to choose these practices.  

Take Anxiety to an Absurd Scale

When a person tries to “escape” from an anxious state, his anxiety only grows. Therapists advise to act from the opposite direction. Imagine that the worst happened, what you were most afraid of. Bring the situation to such absurdity, that it caused laughter. Feel how the body relaxes, bad thoughts go away. Practice this method every time you feel that you cannot get rid of compulsive anxiety.

Practice Diaphragmatic Breathing

Breathing techniques can help you cope with anxiety. Master diaphragmatic breathing. This technique oxygenates your organs, which is so necessary when you’re stressed. Sit up straight, put your shoulders down, and breathe with your abdomen moving. Breathing should be natural, even and deep. Concentrate on each inhalation and exhalation – when anxious, breathing often becomes shallow.

Interview Yourself

Try to ask yourself leading questions and find out what it is that’s bothering you so much. Experts advise asking yourself some simple questions: “what is my problem?”; “can I handle it on my own and in what way?”; “should I go to a specialist?” Such questions can be asked ad infinitum, pay attention to what is happening to you during the dialogue with yourself. It may be uncomfortable and scary, but it will help you focus on the problem and put aside excessive subjectivity.

Focus on the Pain

If you feel anxiety, try to understand exactly where it is located in your body. You have to concentrate on feeling, then you’ll feel how your breath changes and anxiety gradually goes away.


You’ve probably heard about this technique many times and put off this boring activity. But don’t think it’s a waste of time. The experiment proved that eight weeks of practice improved the condition of the subjects: anxiety decreased. In panic attacks, meditation is one of the best practices, because it shifts all the focus to the breath.

Accept the Situation

It’s important to realize that sometimes things go wrong for us just because we spent all our energy on negative emotions rather than on the task itself. Shift the focus, don’t give the event too much importance, don’t resist it (it won’t change anything anyway). Soberly assess all fears and risks.

Remember about healthy sleep

It would seem that this is an obvious thing that we’ve been told since childhood. But we often neglect it and watch YouTube videos until 1 am. Try to establish a routine and stick to it all the time. Also put your phone away an hour before bedtime, you don’t want to excite your brain. During rest, the adrenal glands recover and our cortisol levels are within normal limits.