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Elder Slams Teacher’s Unions, Public Employee Unions

Elder “forgot” to include one of his companies on government forms meant to show any financial conflicts of interest.


August 22, 2021


Holding a rally yesterday in a tennis court at one of the most wealthy Republican’s homes in Orange County, Elder slammed teacher’s and public employee unions while saying police departments do not have systemic racism problems.

The radio talk show host with no government experience also points to $5 million yacht owner and disgraced former Department of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos as someone whom he admires, similar to his love of a school voucher system and charter schools.

The talk show host has not debated yet so no one knows what he stands for, other than what he says at rallies, his website simply lists “problems” and how he will fix them.

Such as killing the mask mandate, taking the minimum wage to zero, and making it much easier to build homes in California.

He also will not take questions from the press and has banned the Sac Bee from his events.

Sounds like Donald Trump 2.0.

More Trump

Elder has also been cited saying, “Trump got fat women off the couch to march against him, and that companies should not be forced to hire women who will get pregnant.”


Elder ‘Omitted’ a Crucial Part on His Economic Interests Disclosure Forms


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