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Sánchez designates $18 million for Del Amo Boulevard Bridge Replacement and Enhancements

June 10, 2021

WASHINGTON – This morning, Congresswoman Linda T. Sánchez (D-CA) designated $18 million for the Del Amo Boulevard Bridge Replacement and Traffic Signal Synchronization project connecting the Cities of Cerritos, La Palma, Lakewood, and Cypress, as well as Los Angeles and Orange Counties. The funding for this project was requested directly by Sánchez for a project vital to her constituents and was included in the INVEST in America Act, a $547 billion measure reported out by the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee that will cover funding for highways, transit, and rail across the country.

“I am proud to designate funding for a project that is critical to alleviating traffic and increasing driver and pedestrian safety in our neighborhood,” said Congresswoman Linda T. Sánchez. “Currently, the four-lane roadways approaching from each end of the Del Amo Bridge are forced to merge into two lanes. This creates a traffic choke point and puts drivers, bikers, pedestrians, and other commuters using the bridge in danger. I look forward to seeing this funding put to use and will work to ensure the impact construction has on our local residents and Coyote Creek is minimized.”

The existing bridge was constructed in 1965 and is rated as “structurally deficient” by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans). The funding is designated for the replacement of the existing bridge over Coyote Creek. This will include demolition of existing abandoned railroad bridge, installation of overhead Rectangular Rapid-Flashing Beacons (RRFBs) at Claretta Avenue and Del Amo Boulevard, traffic signalization and improvements of 5 intersections between Coyote Creek and I-605, and improve bike and pedestrian safety.

The $547 billion measure, reported out this morning by the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee under the leadership of Chairman Peter DeFazio, also includes provisions to help fight the effects of climate change, such as funding for zero-emission transit, biking, and walking infrastructure, and requirements for states to reduce carbon emissions.

The INVEST in America Act is expected to be considered by the House of Representatives later this summer.