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Lakewood Rotary Donates $700 in Gift Cards to Su Casa


Lakewood Rotarian Valerie Frost shows off the $700 worth of Target Gift Cards donated by the members of the Rotary Club to the Su Casa – Ending Domestic Violence Mother’s Day Gift Card Drive.


STAFF REPORT • May 5, 2021

For most of us, Mother’s Day is time to reflect on the memories of childhood and the visions of your mother, with that smile that warms your soul and provides you with that safe feeling. It’s also a time to be celebrated as a mother and the warm and safe environment provided to your family.

Mother’s Day is more than a card and brunch.

Now imagine Mother’s Day in a household covered by the shadow of domestic violence. Always being controlled, always intimidated, always fearing the next violent episode. Imagine the day we celebrate motherhood, she is verbally and physically assaulted. The awful memories that will leave on the entire family. This is a reality for many mothers living in our shelter.

Please help us to create a new memory of joy and happiness for the mothers and children in our care. Please support Su Casa – Ending Domestic Violence by providing a gift card that we can provide to our families so that when Covid restrictions end, they may enjoy a happy outing to a restaurant and a movie. Perhaps the children can buy their mother some new clothes. Most importantly, you can help create a Mother’s Day that begins new memories that can last a lifetime.

We are asking this year to celebrate Mother’s Day by donating a gift card to Su Casa – Ending Domestic Violence. The gift card can be to a restaurant, a retail store such as Target or Walmart, or a prepaid debit card. You can even send an Amazon Gift Card of  any denomination  by clicking this link. You can mail or drop off or this tax deductible gift to Su Casa’s administrative offices, located at 3750 E Anaheim Street, ste 100 Long Beach, CA 90804.