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Recovered From COVID, Pico Rivera Councilman Camacho Helping Others

Pico Rivera Councilman Gustavo Camacho at a news conference.

STAFF REPORT • March 1, 2021

The current pandemic has taken a toll on the nation’s population and has no boundaries with respect to ethnicity, class, age or gender. The only common theme arising from COVID-19 is that Latinos and Blacks are the moist impacted populations.

The pandemic has also caused the economy to ground to a halt causing huge unemployment and strains on family budgets. In many cases it has caused major food insecurity for families struggling to make ends meet. In the midst of widespread food insecurity, many cities have stepped in to allay these food challenges by providing massive food giveaways, including the City of Pico Rivera which has co-hosted Food Distribution Drives since the pandemic began.

And at the center of the food distribution, Pico Rivera Council Member Gustavo Camacho, who contracted COVID-19 and recovered, has not only supported larger city sponsored events but brought together partners to help collect and distribute not only food, but other necessary items.

With partners, such as City of Refuge, Hearts of Compassion, R.I.S.E and his colleague, Mayor Pro Tem Dr. Monica Sanchez the distributions have provided over 20,000 boxes of food filled with produce, meats, diary and fruits, cooking oil, hand sanitizers and masks to Pico Rivera families.

Camacho attends every food event seen lifting and loading boxes in the trunk of the family’s vehicle alongside the many volunteers who arrive early on Saturday mornings.

“This is not the time for a photo opportunity, but rather we need to lead by example, getting the food quickly and as often as we can to families affected by this pandemic”, said Camacho.

Camacho is no stranger to responding to tragic events and providing support to families in need.  In 2018, the Corsica Apartments main building caught on fire and displayed 300 Families.

The city responded with supporting agencies, such as the American Red Cross, and mobilized assistance for impacted families.  When the apartment management wasn’t responding, Camacho facilitated meetings between tenants and management and negotiated on behalf of the tenants to get the needed support.

If you live in the City of Pico Rivera and are experiencing economic hardship and are in need of food supplies, all elected officials can be reached via the city hall number or website to assist or inform you of the next food drive.

And if you cannot drive to the food giveaway or don’t have anyone to take you, Camacho and the other elected officials will deliver the food personally or use one of their many volunteers.