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Artesia Holds 2020 Chalk-A-Thon Census Event

artesia ca chalk a thon

RESIDENTS were invited to add to the Chalk-A-Thon after completing the census.


BY TAMMYE MCDUFF • Sept. 14, 2020

Saturday, September 5th, the City of Artesia and the California Census held a ‘Chalk-A-Thon’ at A.J. Padelford Park.  The City provided internet enabled computers that were available for residents to self-respond to the census online. Artesia’s self-response rate is 74.3 percent as of August 28th.

After completing the census adults, children and families were welcome to create chalk art on the surrounding sidewalks. Even thought the heat index was high, residents came out to do their part.   

Jesse Aguirre, U.S. Census Bureau Representative told LCCN/CN, “We are helping to sponsor the chalk-a-thon to promote further online registration for the 2020 Census. Roughly 75 percent of Artesia has responded to the census. ” Aguirre also stated that compared to the national average of participation, California is at 66.9 percent and the city of Artesia is doing better than other cities around the nation.

LAUSD Reserve Deputies were on site to ensure the safety of the park and residents.

The deadline to respond to the 2020 Census is September 30th. If you have not already responded, please visit Census online at


LAUSD reserves

LAUSD RESERVE Deputy Sheriff’s Droze and Reynaldo were on hand to oversee the safety of residents. Photo by Tammye McDuff.


READ MORE: Artesia Survey Shows Residents Value City Services, Want More Local Control Over Funds