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United Sikhs Holding Food Distribution May 16 at Artesia Library

LAST WEEK: ARTESIA MAYOR Ali Taj (center, blue shirt) and Mayor pro tem Rene Trevino (2nd row left) at the United Sikh food distribution event at the Artesia Library. There were so many cars waiting that the group was forced to open the distribution earlier than planned. The group served over 1,000 families. Photo by Tammye McDuff.



The United Sikhs will once again be holding a drive-through food distribution event inside the parking lot of the Artesia Library located at 18801 Elaine Ave. in Artesia. The event will take place tomorrow May 16 from 11 to 1 PM.

The organization conducted a food distribution event last week where hundreds of cars lined up for food.

If organizations would like to donate food you can text Donate Sikhs to 609-212-0627.