Public service announcement by HMG-LCCN, helping local businesses. Are you the owner of a local business or know somebody who needs support during the virus pandemic
Send their information here we will post online!
Arte Cafe
Today’s Specials:
Lunch 11:30 to 2:00 pm
Tempura Calamari Steak with Aioli Sandwich and French Fries $9
Petit Filet with mushroom onion mashed potatoes and vegetables $15
Dinner 4:30 pm to 8:30 pm
Fresh Swordfish and fresh corn cream $19
Prime NY Steak and Scallops with blue cheese brandy Demi sauce $22
All come with potatoes and vegetables
Crème brûlée $2
NY Cheesecake $4
Call 562-865-2783
to order pickup!
Our to-go menu is also available for pickup and delivery through DoorDash.
Thank you for your support!