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City of Cerritos declares local emergency in response to COVID-19


The City of Cerritos has proclaimed a local emergency in response to COVID-19. The order states that a local emergency exists throughout the City of Cerritos and that the City Manager, acting as the City’s Director of Emergency Services and the Emergency Organization of the City, is authorized and directed to take any necessary steps for the protection of life, health and safety in the City.

The order also states that the City shall coordinate Citywide planning, preparedness and response efforts regarding COVID-19 with the California and Los Angeles County Offices of Emergency Services (OES), the local Operational Area (OA) and the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health. In addition, all City Departments and services will begin tracking costs for staffing, supplies and equipment related to COVID-19 preparation and prevention. That information will be forwarded to the California and Los Angeles County Offices of Emergency Services.

The proclaimed local emergency takes effect immediately and will expire in seven days unless confirmed and ratified via resolution of the City Council.

A copy of the complete order is available on the City of Cerritos website at

City Hall is now open to the public by appointment only for conducting essential business during regular operating hours. No walk-ins will be taken. The public is encouraged to utilize online services and to communicate by telephone whenever possible. The phone number for City Hall is (562) 860-0311.

For additional City updates as they occur, visit For the latest updates on COVID-19, please visit the following websites:

  • • County of Los Angeles Department of Public Health
  • • California Department of Health
  • • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  • • World Health Organization