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Kamala Harris Endorses Joe Biden for President 

Harris: “I believe in Joe Biden and will do everything in my power to help elect him the next president of the United States.”

U.S. Senator Kamala D. Harris on Sunday released the following statement:

“When I started my run for president, I said America needs a president who reflects the decency and dignity of the American people; a president who speaks the truth; and a president who fights for those whose voices are too often overlooked or ignored. 

“I still believe that to this day. That is why I am proud to announce I am endorsing my friend, Vice President Joe Biden, for President of the United States. 

“I got to know Joe more than a decade ago through his son – my dear friend, the late Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden. As attorneys general during the financial crisis, Beau and I were leaders in the fight to take on the biggest banks in the nation and secure billions of dollars in relief for homeowners across the country. And I can tell you that Beau inherited his strength of character, selfless courage, and commitment to public service from his father, Joe.

“As I reflect on my own time on the campaign trail spent listening to people’s hopes, dreams, fears, and daily struggles, I know what Americans want and deserve in their next commander-in-chief. 

“Americans deserve a president who confronts the daily challenges facing working people with the same determination and steady leadership they apply to addressing the most serious crises facing our nation. We deserve a president with the knowledge and experience to reassure a nation weary of tweets, lies, and incompetence. And we deserve a president who speaks to the best of who we are and challenges us to live up to our ideals. 

“There is no one better prepared than Joe to steer our nation through these turbulent times, and restore truth, honor, and decency to the Oval Office. He is kind and endlessly caring, and he truly listens to the American people. You can see in his eyes how he takes to heart the experiences of mothers and fathers working to make ends meet and worrying about whether their children can be safe in their classroom, or young people who fight tirelessly to tackle climate change as they ask for a fair shot at the future in front of them. And with a lifetime in public service, Joe has a proven track record of getting things done.

“Like many women, I watched with sadness as women exited the race one by one. Four years after our nominee, the first woman to win the nomination of a major party, received 3 million more votes than Donald Trump but still lost, we find ourselves without any woman on a path to be the Democratic nominee for president. This is something we must reckon with and it is something I will have more to say about in the future. But we must rise to unite the party and country behind a candidate who reflects the decency and dignity of the American people and who can ultimately defeat Donald Trump.

“I truly believe our nation is at an inflection point. And the decision voters make this November will shape the country and the world our children and grandchildren will grow up in. I believe in Joe Biden and will do everything in my power to help elect him the next president of the United States.”