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Sativa Water Customers Seeing Brown, Lawyer Sues County, Gives 24 Hours to Deliver Potable Water


It was six months ago when Los Angeles County Department of Public Works took over Sativa Water and customers are still seeing brown, as in brown water.

In February of this year, L.A. County’s Local Agency Formation Commission voted to disband the tiny Compton water district that for years had been distributing discolored, smelly drinking water to its customers.

Money has been spent, but the problem has not been fixed, and, according to residents, a flyer was distributed this past weekend saying the water could be brown until September.

That was the last straw for Sativa customer’s attorney Mark Gravis.

“I have been trying to get water down here for the residents, but the county has refused,” Gravis told HMG-LCCN in a phone interview. “They come down here with a case of water for a household, that’s ridiculous.

So Gravis filed a complaint in Los Angeles Superior Court to force the County to deliver water.

“I have given the county 24 hours to bring large water tankers into the City, if they don’t comply, we will be in court on Friday and force them to bring water.”