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Asm. Laura Friedman Welcomes Rapper Who Wrote Fu** the Police the Same Day Sacramento Officer Tara O’Sullivan was Memorialized



Friday June 28, 2019, 8:30 a.m.


We have a saying here in the newsroom  at Hews Media Group-Los Cerritos Community News when we receive certain stories, “you can’t make this sh** up, what were they thinking?”

Today’s story is the epitome of that saying and and defines the sheer stupidity and callousness of an Assemblywoman and her colleagues.

Hews Media Group-Los Cerritos Community News has learned that 43rd District Assemblywoman Laura Friedman (D-Glendale) had what she and other Assembly members thought was a very special guest on the Assembly floor yesterday.

You would think the Chair of the Joint Rules Subcommittee on Sexual Harassment Prevention and Response and a self-proclaimed #Metoo advocate would have more sense.

The very day the Sacramento community said goodbye to slain Sacramento police officer Tara O’Sullivan, Ms. Friedman thought it would be a good idea to welcome rapper Johnny Reed McKenzie Jr., better known as Grammy winning rapper Jay Rock, to “recognize his contributions to music and the L.A. community.”

Jay Rock’s “contributions to the community” include writing a song called Fu** the Police.

The song is about the police but Jay Rock refers to them as bitches and he explains how they pick on the Hispanics and Blacks of the ghettos.

The very day the community memorializes a fallen officer, she hands Jay Rock a proclamation.

A rapper who call constantly calls woman bitches and hoes.

A proud picture Freidman posted on Twitter stated, “this morning we welcomed Johnny Reid McKenzie Jr., better known as Grammy winning rapper Jay Rock and recognized his contributions to music and the LA community.”

It was 9:30 a.m., around the same time O’Sullivan’s body was being transported by hearse to the Bayside Church Adventure Campus.

Behind her was other equally callous people and politicians grinning and happy to be in the picture.

Seen in the tweet was District 47th Assemblywoman  Eloise Gomez Reyes, (D-Fontana), 64th District Assemblyman Mike Gipson (D-Carson) and others.

Calls into Freidman’s office went unreturned.


Friedman later stated, “He [Jay Rock]  was on the floor being honored by Gipson for his work in the community, the event was planned months ago. I typically post about visitors to the floor the same day that they appear.”